Tihafat al-Qadiyaniyyah : Arabic, New,
*[A5] Paperback / Booklet - 28 pages,
by Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri [d.1340h],
Translated from Arabic by Nouman al-Azami,
Published by Markaz e Ahl al-Sunnat Barkat e Raza,
Porbander, India.
Description :
Tihafat al-Qadiyaniyyah - is a refutation of the lies and slander by the Qadiani cult against the Prophets, alayhi'm 'assalam, such as Isa, alayhi salam, and the Final Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad, ﷺ.
AlaHadrat, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al Ridwan, correctly interprets the verses of the Qur'an and the Ahadith of the Prophet, ﷺ, which have been deliberately distorted by the Qadianis, so that there is absolutely no confusion.
About the Author :
Imām Ahmad Ridā Khān (b. 1272 AH/1856 CE), alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan, was a renowned Hanafī jurist, hadīth expert and theologian par excellence, recognized by scholars from the Islamic world to be a reviver of his era. He was a prolific writer whose legal edicts were gathered into twelve encyclopedic volumes and covered almost every science of his day. He passed away on the 25th Safar 1340 Hijri.
More books of Imam Ahmad Rida Khan,
Also see Radd : Arabic,
Related : Ridawiyya, English,
Also see Ridawiyya, Urdu,
More Arabic books.
!!!Sub-Continent print quality.
*Dimensions : 20.8 x 14.2cm.