Saif e Chishtiyya : Urdu

Saif e Chishtiyyah : Urdu,
[A5+ ] Hardback - 552 pages,
by Shaykh Pir Mehr ali Shah,
Published by Kutub Khana Darbar e Ghousiyya,
Golra Sharif.


Back in Stock December 2020


Description :

Sayf al-Chishtiyyah : This is the detailed and groundbreaking work by Sayyadina Shaykh Pir Mehr Ali Shah al-Chishti al-Golrawi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, which refutes the Qadiani /Ahmadi cult leader Mirza Ghulam Ahmed and his arguments.

As clarified by Hadrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah in his introductory remarks, this book, like his earlier work Shams al-Hidayah, were written by Hadrat on the insistence of some ulama (scholars) and other people rather than on his own initiative, and its real purpose was to explain the correct position of the related issues from the standpoints of the Qur'an and the Hadith for the information and guidance of people rather than to indulge in polemics with Mirza and his followers.

Saif e Chishtiyyah elaborates further and also gave convincing rejoinders to the objections raised by Mirza concerning that book. In addition, it made nearly one hundred critical comments on the incorrect meanings and logic, errors of Arabic grammar, diction and idiom (which are crucially important in relation to the Qur'an and the Hadith, since even the slightest error can completely distort the meanings of the relevant ayat and ahadith) in respect of Surah al-Fateha contained in Mirza's Ijaz-ul-Masih. Similar criticisms were made of the contents of Shams-e-Bazighah. The details of these various comments, which can be properly understood only by those well-versed in Arabic language and in religious issues, may be seen in the book itself.

In Saif e Chishtiyyah, Hadrat had inter alia predicted that since Mirza was an impostor, he would never have the privilege of visiting Madinah Munawwara and paying his respects at the tomb of the Holy Prophet, salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, which, according to a hadith was one of the things which Jesus Christ (Hadrat 'Isa, alayhi salam : the real Promised Messiah) was destined to do, along with the performance of Hajj, after his future descent to earth. This prediction was proved correct when Mirza died a few years later neither performing Hajj nor visiting Madinah.

Saif-e-Chishtiyyah was hailed by contemporary religious scholars as a masterpiece on the subject. It was quoted extensively by writers of Qur'anic commentaries and other religious authors as a reference to prove their various points. As intended, this book did effectively stem the advancing Qadiani tide, making it almost completely ineffective. It helped thousands of Muslims to rediscover the truth about the issues that Qadianism had raised, besides making many Qadianis themselves repent and rejoin the ranks of orthodox Muslims.



Decent print and binding by normal sub-continent standards!


Other books by :  Hadrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah :
Books by :  Hadrat Pir Naseeruddin Naseer :

This book is in urdu language only!

More Urdu books.




  • Shipping Weight: 0.945 kgs
  • 4 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Pir Mehr Ali Shah

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