The Loyal Ansar 3 : Sahaba Stories

 The Loyal Ansar -
Stories of the Sahabah : Volume III,
[A5+] Paperback - 199 pages,
by Noura Durkee,
Part of the 'Stories of the Sahabah' Series, USA.


Back in Stock October 2020


Description :

'The Loyal Ansar' is the third volume in the popular series, Stories of the Sahabah, adapted by Hajjah Noura Durkee from Arabic and urdu sources in an engaging and comprehensive way.

This volume contains biographies of seventeen of the Ansar (Helpers) who supported the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with everything they had, after he made the Hijrah (Migration) to Madinah.

This series presents the lives of the Sahabah for younger generations of (as well as older) Muslims through rich and engaging stories.

Table of Contents :

---Publishers Note,

---[1]  'Abbad ibn Bishr,
------Enchanted by the Words of Allah,
------'Abbads Recitation touches Rasulullahs' may Allah bless him & grant him peace, Heart,
------In the Front Ranks,
---[2]  'Abdullah ibn 'Amr, Abu Jahir,
------The First Martyr at Uhud,
---[3]  'Abu Ayyub al-Ansari,
------Bodyguard of the Prophet, may Allah bless him & grant him peace,
------Abu 'Ayyub the Warrior,
---[4]  Abu Lubabah Rifa'ah ibn 'Abd al-Mundhir al-Ansari,
---[5]  Abu Ruhm Manhur Ghifari,
---[6]  Abu Talhah al-Ansari & Umm Salim,
---[7]  'Asim ibn Thabit,
---[8]  Habib ibn Zaid, Umm 'Imarah,
------Young Habib meets Musailimah, the Liar,
---[9]  'Abdullah al-Ansari,
---[10] Hudhaifah ibn al-Yaman,
------Hudhaifah brings Rasulullah, may Allah bless him & grant him peace, Good Tidings,
------The Keeper of Secrets,
---[11] Khuzaimah ibn Thabit Khutmi Dhu al-Shahadatain,
---[12] Mu'adh ibn Jabal,
------Young Mu'adh teaches 'Amr ibn al-Jamuh a Lesson in Life,
------A Knowledgeable Authority,
------Rasulullahs, may Allah bless him & grant him peace, protege,
------Mission of Guidance Abroad,
---[13] Qatadah ibn Nu'man al-Ansari,
------The Miraculous Du'a,
---[14] Rabi'ah ibn Ka'b,
---[15] Sa'd ibn Rabi'i al-Ansari,
---[16] Salamah ibn Akwa Aslami,
------The Best of Foot Soldiers,
------Guard of the Mu'minun,
------At Khaibar,
------A Life of Islam,
---[17] Usaid ibn al-Hudair,
---[18] Zaid ibn Thabit,
------Zaid takes the Lead against the Fitnah,
------A Trusted Advisor to the Islamic State,
------The Esteemed Alim.

------Transliterated Names of the Sahabah & Other Historical Notables,
------Transliteration Chart,
------Islamic Invocations (Terms of (Adaab) Etiquette),
------About the Author.

The Author : Hajjah Noura Durkee graduated with an M.A. in Fine Arts from Stanford University. She studied Arabic and Islamic culture at Um al-Qura University in Makkah, Saudi Arabia and attended the Kamel Ibrahim School of Islamic Calligraphy in Alexandria, Egypt. She has travelled throughout the world as an educator and lecturer. She is the wife of Shaykh Nooruddin Durkee al-Shadhili. Together they have edited, illustrated and written numerous books on a wide range of topics related to Islam.













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