The Life of the Prophets in the Graves :
‘Inba al-Azkiya bi Hayat al-Anbiya’
*[-A5] Paperback - 139 pages,
by Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti [d.911h],
& by Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi,
Transl. & Notes by Rashad Jameer,
Published by Wasila Press.
Now in Stock & Despatching February 2020
Description :
'The Life of the Prophets' in the Grave' (‘Inba al-Azkiya bi Hayat al-Anbiya’) is a brilliant volume for those who venerate Allah's Prophets, especially Allah's Beloved, Muhammad, ﷺ.
Addressing the modern materialistic belief that is spreading about the Prophets being 'dead and gone' Imam al-Suyuti, may Allah be pleased with him, answers a question in regards to the hadith of Prophet Muhammad, ﷺ, returning the Salutations (salaam) of those who send Prayers and Salutations (Salaat and Salaam) upon him, and in doing so unpacks oceans of meaning for us and provides profound explanations and timeless insights into The Life of the Prophets in the Grave, peace be upon them all.
In the second part, Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi's treatise wonderfully compliments the topic at hand by providing simple, yet convincing proofs for 'The Life of the Prophets in the Grave.' He cites indisputable verses of the Qur'an, authentic ahadith, statements from the illustrious Salaf (Early Muslims), and answers baseless objections, followed by a concise contextualising commentary. None will be beguiled about 'The Life of the Prophets in the Grave' after reading this book except the willfully ignorant, or an indoctrinated sectarian content with following maverick opinions that are far from the trodden path of Islam.
The Author:
Imam Jalal al-Din as-Suyuti:
`Abd al-Rahman ibn Kamal al-Din Abi Bakr, Jalal al-Din al-Misri
al-Suyuti al-Shafi`i al-Ash`ari, also known as Ibn al-Asyuti (849-911),
the mujtahid imam and renewer of the tenth Islamic century,
foremost hadith master, jurist, Sufi, philologist, and historian, he
authored works in virtually every Islamic science.
Born to a
Turkish mother and non-Arab father and raised as an orphan in Cairo, he
memorized the Qur'an at eight, then several complete works of Sacred
Law, fundamentals of jurisprudence, and Arabic grammar; after which he
devoted himself to studying the Sacred Sciences under about a hundred
and fifty shaykhs. A giant among contemporaries, he remained alone,
producing a sustained output of scholarly writings until his death at
the age of sixty-two. He was buried in Hawsh Qawsun in Cairo.
*Dimensions : 17.8 x 12.8cm.