Ash Shifa of Qadi Iyad : Hardback

Muhammad - Messenger of Allah,
'' As Shifa of Qadi Iyad ''
Hardback - 512 pages, 2014 Reprint with New Cover.
by Qadi 'Iyad Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi,
Translated by Aisha Abdur Rahman Bewley.


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Ash-Shifa Hardback


Description : Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah,

The first English translation of Qadi Iyad's definitive text ash-Shifa. For a thousand years this beautiful and majestic book has guided the Muslim community to a straight and balanced path in their beliefs and practices concerning the Messenger, blessings of Allah and peace be upon him, in particular and the risalah (the message) in general. This book contains:

    **The most comprehensive compilation of Quranic references about the Messenger, with Qadi Iyad's authoritative commentary on them.
    **A complete catalogue of the Messenger's qualities and life-pattern received in a direct line of transmission by Qadi Iyad.
    **A unique record of the salafi community of Madinah's transactions with and behaviour towards the Messenger of Allah.
    **The rights of the Messenger and the honour, obedience and protection due to him and his name from his followers, the Muslim community.

Qadi Iyad (476 – 544 AH/1083 – 1149 CE)

Abu'l-Qadl Iyad ibn Musa ibn Iyad al-Yahsubi, Qadi of Ceuta during the time of the Murabitun. He travelled to Andalus to study and in Cordoba he learnt from such luminaries as Ibn Rushd, the grandfather of the Qadi and philosopher of the same name. Iyad was already accepted in scholarly circles when he was eighteen and was appointed qadi when he was 35 becoming first the qadi of Ceuta in 515 AH/ 1121 CE and later Granada in Spain in 531 AH/ 1136 CE. He was exemplary in his knowledge of the sciences of hadith from which ocean he drew his astonishing work ash-Shifa. He also wrote the Foundations of Islam on fiqh, and Tartib al-Madarik on the luminaries of the school of Madina. He opposed Ibn Tumart's claim to be the Mahdi and was exiled to Marrakech where he was murdered.

The Translator : Aisha Bewley,

Aisha Abdurrahman at Tarjumana Bewley is one of today’s most prolific translators of classical Arabic works into English. For more than thirty-five years she has been concerned with making the contents of many classical Arabic works more accessible to English-speaking readers. She is co-translator of The Noble Qur’an A New Rendering of its Meaning in English. Other works include Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik, The Meaning of Man, Mu'awiya - Restorer of the Muslim Faith, A Glossary of Islamic Terms, Islam: The Empowering of Women and Muslim Women, a Biographical Dictionary.

Recommendation :

'' If I only owned 5 books about my religion, this would be one of them. For the great Shaykh and Judge Iyad to have been both a public officer and to have had such a clear reverence for Allah, His Book, The Sunnah, and The Chosen One - it must have been a beautiful time in history to have been around such people. This excellent translation not only helped my understanding and "knowing" my Prophet, but helped me learn respect, love, and attachment to those who surrounded him, and the great scholars and Muslims who have followed him. This book is also one of the earliest Classics of real scholarly and spiritual worth to have been translated into English. I know sometimes we consider the price-tag, but this book is a real treasure, and it took a lot of work for it to be put together. I would hope that every Muslim would own this.'' ---Mustafa Howard, Dallas, Texas, US.

This work was so highly admired throughout the Muslim world that it soon acquired a sanctity of its own for it is said:

 "If Ash-Shifa is found in a house, this house will not suffer any harm...when a sick person reads it or it is recited to him, Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, will restore his health."


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Table of Contents:

Part One : Allah's Great Estimation of the Worth of His Prophet expressed in both Word and Action :

---Chapter [I]  Allah's Praise of him and His Great Esteem for him,
---Chapter [II] Allah's perfecting his Good Qualities of Character & Constitution, and giving him all the Virtues of the Deen and this World,
---Chapter [III] On the Sound & Well-Known Traditions related about the Immense Value placed on him by His Lord, His Exalted Position and His Nobility in this World and the Next,
---Chapter [IV] On the Miracles which Allah manifested at the Prophet's Hands and the Special Properties and Marks of Honour (Karamat) with which he honoured him.

Part Two : Concerning the Rights which people owe the Prophet, may Allah bless him & grant him peace, :

---Chapter [I] The Obligation to Believe in him, Obey him, and Follow his Sunna,
---Chapter [II] On the necessity of Loving the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
---Chapter [III] Exalting him and the Necessity  to Respect and Honour him,
---Chapter [IV] The Prayer on the Prophet and asking Peace for him, and the Obligation of doing it, and It's Excellence.

Part Three : On what is necessary for the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant peace, and what is impossible for him, and what is forbidden for him and what is valid in those  human matters which can be ascribed for him :

''This part is the secret of the book and it's core of the fruit. What comes before it lays the foundation and provides the proofs for the clear anecdotes we will relate in it. It governs what follows it and accomplishes the goal of this book. When its promise is put to the test and its duty fulfilled, the breast of the accursed enemy will be constricted and the heart of the believer will shine with certainty and its lights will fill his breast. The man of intellect will then value the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant peace, as he should be valued ''.

---Chapter [I] Concerning matters of the Deen and the Prophet's, upon them be peace, being Protected from Imperfection,
---Chapter [II] The States of the Prophet in Respect of this World and what non-essential human qualities he could have.

Part Four : The Judgements Concerning those who think the Prophet, imperfect or curse him, may Allah bless him & grant peace, :

---Chapter [I] Clarification about cursing the Prophet or saying that he is imperfect by allusion or clear statement,
---Chapter [II] The Judgement against someone who curses the Prophet, reviles him, disparages him or harms him, and how someone who does this should be punished; about calling on him to repent and the status of his inheritance,
---Chapter [III] Concerning the Judgement on anyone who curses Allah Almighty, His Angels, His Prophet's, His Books, and the Family of the Prophet and His Companions,

Appendices :

---Glossary of Arabic words,
---Glossary of Hadith Collections referred to in the text,
---Glossary of People mentioned in the text,
---Synopsis of Section Contents,
---Biographical Note on the Author of the Shifa.'

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This is a Hardback version of Ash-Shifa.
 Paperback version is also available at £24.95

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  • Written by: Qadi 'Iyad

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