Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology

The Oxford Handbook of
Islamic Theology :  New,
[-A4] Large Paperback - 827 pages,
Edited by Sabine Schmidtke,
Published by OU Press


Now in Stock June 2024


Within the field of Islamic Studies, scientific research of Muslim theology is a comparatively young discipline. Much progress has been achieved over the past decades with respect both to discoveries of new materials and to scholarly approaches to the field. The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology provides a comprehensive and authoritative survey of the current state of the field. It provides a variegated picture of the state of the art and at the same time suggests new directions for future research.

  • Provides a comprehensive and authoritative survey of the latest scholarship on the development of Islamic Theology,
  • Offers a variegated picture of the current state of the field and suggests new directions for future research,
  • Features compelling case studies focusing on specific theological issues that have developed through the dilemmatic interactions between the different theological schools and thinkers,
  • Discusses the impact of poltical and social developments on the theology.

Part One covers the various strands of Islamic theology during the formative and early middle periods, rational as well as scripturalist. To demonstrate the continuous interaction among the various theological strands and its repercussions (during the formative and early middle period and beyond).

Part Two offers a number of case studies. These focus on specific theological issues that have developed through the dilemmatic and often polemical interactions between the different theological schools and thinkers.

Part Three covers Islamic theology during the later middle and early modern periods. One of the characteristics of this period is the growing amalgamation of theology with philosophy (Peripatetic and Illuminationist) and mysticism.

Part Four addresses the impact of political and social developments on theology through a number of case studies: the famous mihna instituted by al-Ma'mun (r. 189/813-218/833) as well as the mihna to which Ibn 'Aqil (d. 769/1367) was subjected; the religious policy of the Almohads; as well as the shifting interpretations throughout history (particularly during Mamluk and Ottoman times) of the relation between Ash'arism and Maturidism that were often motivated by political motives.

Part Five considers Islamic theological thought from the end of the early modern and during the modern period.

Reviews :

"A collection of forty-one innovative articles, the volume widens the scope of scholarship to include geographical areas and theological topics that have remained explored... the Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology is a go-to place for the latest scholarship on Islamic theologies that flourished in diverse Islamic lands, and for lucid expositions of a number of philosophical and theological difficulties that the mutakallimun sought to resolve." ---Tariq Jaffer, Department of Religion, Amherst College.

"The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology is an impressive encyclopaedic work, accessible and yet comprehensive, on the latest and most authoritative research on Islamic theology. This is the place to start for any student or early researcher in Islamic theology, and certainly a work that I highly recommend." ---Abdessamad Belhaj, MTA-SZTE Research Group for the Study of Religious Culture, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations.


Edited by Sabine Schmidtke, Professor of Islamic Intellectual History, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Sabine Schmidtke (D.Phil. University of Oxford) is Professor of Islamic Intellectual History at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. She has published extensively on Islamic and Jewish intellectual history.


Table of Contents

---List of Contributors,
---Introduction, Sabine Schmidkte,
------The Foundation of Islamic Theology,
------The State of the Art,

Part I.  Islamic Theolog(ies) during the formative and the Early Middle Period,
---[1]. Origins of Kalam, Alexander Treiger,
---[2]. The Early Qadariyya, Steven Judd,
---[3]. Jahm b. Safwan (d. 128/745-46) and the 'Jahmiyya' and Dirar b. Amr (d. 200/815), Cornelia Schock,
---[4]. Early Shi'i Theology, Mohammed-Ali Amir-Moezzi,
---[5]. Excursus I. Christian Theological Thought during the First 'Abbasid Century, Sidney Griffith,
---[6]. Excursus II. Ungodly Cosmologies, Patricia Crone,
---[7]. The Mu'tazilite movement (I). Origins, Racha el-Omari,
---[8]. The Mu'tazilite movement (II). The Early Phase, David Bennett,
---[9]. The Mu'tazilite movement (III). The Scholastic Phase, Sabine Schmidtke,
---[10]. The Shi'i Reception of Mu'tazilism (I). Zaydis, Hassan Ansari and Sabine Schmidtke,
---[11]. The Shi'i Reception of Mu'tazilism (II). Twelver Shi'ites, Hassan Ansari and Sabine Schmidtke,
---[12]. The Predecessors of Ash'arism; Ibn Kullab, al-MuHasibi, and al-Qalanisi, by Harith Bin Ramli,
-------1. Ibn Kullab,
-------2. Al-Muhasibi,
-------3. Al-Qalanisi,
-------4. Conclusion.
---[13]. Ash'arism in the East and the West, Bewteen Cordoba and Nisabur; Jan Thiele,
-------1. The Rise of Ash'arism,
-------2. Dissemination and Consolidation,
-------3. Ash'arism under the  Patronage of Nizam al-Mulk,
--------Acknowledgements, References.
---[14]. Ibadiyya, Wilferd Madelung,
---[15]. Karramiyya, Aron Zysow,
---[16]. Scripturalist and Traditionalist Theology, Binyamin Abrahamov,
---[17]. Hanafi Theological Tradition and Maturidism, Ulrich Rudolph,
-------1. The Formation of the Hanafi Theological Tradition,
-------2. The Transformation of Hanafi Theology by Abu Mansur al-Maturidi [d.333/944],
-------3. The Emergence of Maturidism,
---[18]. Philosophical Theology, Peter Adamson,
---[19]. Isma'ili Theology, Daniel de Smet,
---[20]. Sufi Theological Thought, Martin Nguyen.

Part II.  Intellectual Interactions of Islamic theology(ies)-Four Case Studies;
---[21]. Occasionalism, Ulrich Rudolph,
---[22]. Abu Hashim al-Jubba'i's (d. 321/933) Theory of the States (aHwal) and its Adaptation among Ash'arite Theologians, Jan Thiele,
---[23]. Theories of Ethical Value in Kalam. A New Interpretation, Ayman Shihadeh,
---[24]. Theology and Logic, Khaled el-Rouayheb.

Part III.  Islamic Theology(ies) During the Later Middle and Early Modern Period;
---[25]. Theology versus Philosophy].  al-Ghazali's Tahafut al-falasifa and Ibn al-MalaHimi's TuHfat al-mutakallimin fi l-radd 'ala l-falasifa, Frank Griffel,
---[26]. Twelver Shi'ite Theology, Reza Pourjavady and Sabine Schmidtke,
---[27]. Zaydi Theology in Yemen, Hassan Ansari, Sabine Schmidtke, and Jan Thiele,
---[28]. Handbooks in the Tradition of Later Eastern Ash'arism, Heidrun Eichner,
-------1. The Interaction with Maturidite Teachings,
-------2. Philosophy,
-------3. Al-Shahrastani,
-------4. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi,
----------a. Al-Razi's al-Mulakhkhas fi al-Hikma :  A Philosophical Compendium as Template of Later Kalam Summae.
-------5. The Later Development,
----------a. Epistemology, the (Physical) World and its Ontological Foundations,
----------b. The Divine,
----------c. The Prophecy,
----------d. The Afterlife,
----------e. Imamate,
---[29]. Later Ash'arism in the Islamic West, Delfina Serrano,
-------1. Ifriqiya : Reception and Dissemination of Ash'arism,
-------2. Al-Andalus : Assimilation and Granting of Quasi-Official Status,
-------3. Almohad Ash'arism,
-------4. Post Almohad Developments,
---[30]. Egypt and the later Ash'arite School, Aaron Spevack,
---[31]. Excursus III.  The Coptic and Syriac Receptions of neo-Ash'arite Theology, Gregor Schwarb,
---[32]. Theology in the Ottoman Lands, M. Sait Ozervarli,
---[33]. Theology in Central Asia, Nathan Spannaus,
---[34]. Theology in the Indian Subcontinent, Asad Q. Ahmed and Reza Pourjavady,
---[35]. Hanbali Theology, Jon Hoover.

Part IV.  Political and Social History and its Impact on Theology].  Four Case Studies;
---[36]. Al-Ma'mun (r. 189/813-218/833) and the MiHna, Nimrod Hurvitz,
---[37]. The MiHna of Ibn 'Aqil (d. 513/1119) and the Fitnat Ibn al-Qushayri, Livnat Holtzman,
---[38]. The Religious Policy of the Almohads, Maribel Fierro,
---[39]. Interpretations of Ash'arism and Maturidism among Mamluks and Ottomans, Lutz Berger.

Part V.  Islamic Theological Thought from the end of the Early Modern Period through the Modern Period;
---[40]. Main Trends of Islamic Theological Thought from the late 19th Century to Present Times, Rotraud Wielandt,
---[41]. Striving for a New Exegesis of the Qur'an, Johanna Pink.






More Islamic Theology | Kalam.
Books on Creed,

Also see Islamic Creed : Advanced.
Also see Islamic Philosophy,
Also see Falsafa : Darsi,



Dimensions : 24.5 x 17 x 4.6cm.





  • Shipping Weight: 1.799 kgs
  • 6 Units in Stock

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