Dedicating Rewards to the Deceased

Dedicating Rewards to the Deceased : New,
'Reciting the Qur'an & Other Good Deeds'
*[-A5] Paperback - 81 pages,
by Shaykh Muhmmad Fawaz an-Nimr,
Translation by Mahdi Lock,.
A Foreword Publication.


Now in Stock : May 2023

Description :
Dedicating Rewards to the Deceased is a new title from the prolific translator, Shaykh Mahdi Lock.

Synopsis : If a person were to supplicate, recite the Noble Qur?an, give to charity, or do any other act of worship and righteousness, and then dedicate the reward for that deed to someone deceased from this Ummah and ask Allah the Exalted to make it reach that deceased person, is such an action legitimate? And does the reward for that deed reach that deceased person?

Includes Appendices from :

   *** Imam Jalal al-Din as-Suyuti,
   *** Imam Yahya an-Nawawi,
   *** Imam Wahbah az-Zuhayli.

This book is an attempt to put an end to a debate that actually ended several centuries ago. That is, it ended among the 'Ulama,' those who are qualified to speak on the matter, and yet, for some reason, it has been revived in recent times. As you will see in the book and in the appendices, the early generations did indeed differ over whether the reward for reciting the Qur'an reached the deceased, but over time they came to be of one accord; the reward for reciting the Qur'an does indeed reach the deceased and it is the mu'tamad position of all Four Schools.



Table of Contents :

---Translator's Introduction,
---About the Author,
---About the Translator.

---Author's Introduction,
---The Legitimacy of the Matter According to the Totality of Muslim Orthodoxy,
& The Consensus of the Four Schools upon it's Legitimacy,
------The Hanafi School,
------The Maliki School,
------The Shafi'i School,
------The Hanbali School,
---Mentioning Some of the Evidences for the Legitimacy of this Matter,
---Some Clear Texts' that Demonstrate the Legitimacy of this Matter from Imam's who are Relied upon by those who hold a Different View & Attribute themselves to Them,

Appendix A:
---Benefitting the Deceased & Reciting the Qur'an for Them,
------by Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti,

Appendix B:
---Benefitting the Deceased,
------by Imam Yahya an-Nawawi,

Appendix C:
---Fatwa on Reciting the Qur'an for the Deceased,
------by Imam Wahbah az-Zuhayli.




About the Author :
Shaykh Muhammad Fawaz an-Nimr, may Allah preserve him, : The shaykh is the Imam and teacher at the Umayyad Grand Mosque, Damascus, Syria, and is one of the leading hanafi teachers of this age. He graduated from Ma'had al-Fath al-Islami in 1985 and in the following year took up teaching posts at that institute as well as at the Umayyad Grand Masjid. Since then, he has taught several books, including:

Qatr an-Nada,
Sharh Ibn 'Aqil,
Awdah al-Masalik li Sharh Alfiyyat Ibn Malik,
Jami' ad-Durus al-'Arabiyyah,
Mughni al-Labib,
Ihya' 'Ulum ad-Din,
Mawsu'ah at-Tafsir al-Munir fi al-'Aqidah wa ash-Shari'ah wa al-Minhaj,
Tafsir al-Qurtubi (al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an),
Al-Ikhtiyar li Ta'lil al-Mukhtar,
Nuzhat al-Muttaqin Sharh Riyad as-Salihin,
Maraqi al-Falah,
Hashiyat at-Tahawi,
At-Taj al-Jami' lil-Usul,
Nawadir al-Usul,
Tanbih al-Mughtarin,
Ash-Shifa bi Ta'rif Huquq al-Mustafa,
Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasul Allah,
As-Salat 'Ala an-Nabi,
At-Tajrid as-Sarih,
Al-Iman bi 'Awalim al-Akhirah,
Taj al-'Urus,
Al-Lubab Sharh al-Kitab,
Siffat as-Safwah,
Safwat at-Tafasir,
Mukhtasar Minhaj al-Qasidin,
At-Targhib wa at-Tarhib,
Nur al-Idah,
Tafsir an-Nasafi.

Amongst His teachers :

• Shaykh Salih al-Farfur, the founder of Ma'had al-Fath,
• Shaykh 'Abdur Razzaq al-Halabi,
• Shaykh Adib Kallas,
• Shaykh Ahmad Quttabi,
• Shaykh Suhayl az-Zabibi,
• Shaykh Ahmad Ramadan,
• Shaykh Muwaffaq an-Nashuqati,
• Shaykh Hussam ad-Din al-Farfur,
• Shaykh Wali ad-Din Farfur,
• Shaykh Ramzi al-Bazm and his son, Shaykh 'Abdul Fattah al-Bazm,
• Shaykh 'Abdul Majid al-Hanawi,
• Shaykh Rajab Dib,
• Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti,
• Shaykh Nur ad-Din 'Itr,
• Shaykh Lutfi al-Fayumi,
• Shaykh Salih al-Hamawi,
• Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman ash-Shaghuri,
• Shaykh Bashir Kirman,
• Shaykh Usamah al-Khani,
• As-Sayyid Ibrahim al-Khalifah al-Ihsa'i.



About Shaykh Mahdi Lock:

Mahdi Lock is a teacher, student, blogger, writer, and professional freelance translator of classical Arabic Islamic texts into English. He has been studying theology, law and other Islamic sciences for several years with teachers in England, North Africa and the Middle East. To date, his translated works include Kitab al-Halal wa al-Haram by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Kitab al-Waqf from al-Mughni al-Muhtaj by al-Khatib al-Shirbini, the introduction to al-Majmu by Imam Yahya al-Nawawi and Sharh al-Sudur by Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti.
Other works of Shaykh Mahdi Lock.






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More books on Islamic Belief.
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*Dimensions : 20.3 x 12.7cm.






  • Shipping Weight: 0.399 kgs
  • 25 Units in Stock

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