Creed of Islam : New,
'An Exposition'
*[A5] Large Hardback - 200 pages,
Aqida al-Tahawiya by Imam al-Tahawi [d.321h],
Commentary by Abu Hafs Siraj al-Din al-Ghaznawi [d.773h],
Transl. & Annotated by Amjad Mahmood,
Published by Heritage Press.
Back in Stock March 2024
Description :
In an age where fundamental beliefs are misunderstood and aberrant opinions are championed as tenets of faith, the only viable solution to this intellectual malaise is to revive our connection with the principles that underpin our core beliefs as adherents of orthodox Islam.
Many works on Islamic theology that were guided by both reason and scripture have been formulated throughout Islm's history. They vary in their detail, from extensive voluminous works to concise summaries. of the latter type, the creed of Imam Ja'far al-Tahawi [d.321/933] is arguably the most acclaimed and universally accepted. It is, moreover, one of the earliest works on creed; and its enduring appeal among Sunni scholarly circles is attested by the numerous commentaries written on it, the various languages it has been translated into, and the many Islamic seminaries at which it is the primary creedal text that is taught.
Despite the availability of several English translations of the text, commentaries on it in the English language are scarce. The few that are available are, unfortunately, by authors with heterodox tendencies, who arrogated the creed to themselves to propagate their aberrant doctrines that are at odds with those of the author.
The current translation is based on a commentary of the notable scholar Imam Abu Hafs Siraj al-Din al-Ghaznawi [d.740/1339]. This work was chosen for translation because of its conciseness and simplicity, and upon the recommendation of some scholars. The text's primary aim is to present Sunni theology in a way that makes it relevant to the lives of seekers of sacred knowledge, as well as to provide a clear and rigorous exposition of this foremost science.
"Of the concise creeds whose beginnings and endings are illumined in its beauty, and whose conciseness and marvels contained an enchanting exposition, is the work of the vast ocean and the eminent scholar, Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi, may Allah have mercy upon him. Owing to its immense benefits and delightful wording, people were passionate about reading and memorising it. I therefore decided to pen a brief commentary on it, [with the intention of] revealing its secrets, clarifying its obscurities and lifting its veils, while relying on Allah, the One who showers His goodness and generosity, and grants existence to every being." ---Abu Hafs Siraj al-Din Ghaznawi, rahimahullah.
About Imam Tahawi :
He is Imam Abu Ja'far Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Salamah bin Salmah bin `Abd al Malik bin Salmah bin Sulaim bin Sulaiman bin Jawab al-Azdi, may Allah be pleased with him, popularly known as Imam al-Tahawi, after his birth-place in Egypt, is among the most outstanding authorities of the Islamic world on Hadith and fiqh (jurisprudence). He lived 239-321 A.H., an epoch when both the direct and indirect disciples of the four Imams: Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal - were teaching and practicing.
This period was the zenith of Hadith and fiqh studies, and Imam Tahawi studied with all the living authorities of the day. He began as a student of his maternal uncle, Isma'il bin Yahya Muzni, a leading disciple of Imam Shafi'i. Instinctively, however, Imam Tahawi felt drawn to the corpus of Imam Abu Hanifah's works. Indeed, he had seen his uncle and teacher turning to the works of Hanafi scholars to resolve thorny issues of Fiqh, drawing heavily on the writings of Imam Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani and Imam Abu Yusuf, who had codified Hanafi fiqh. This led Imam Tahawi to devote his whole attention to studying the Hanafi works and he eventually joined the Hanafi school.
Imam Tahawi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, stands out not only as a prominent follower of the Hanafi school but, in view or his vast erudition and remarkable powers of assimilation, as one of its leading scholars. His monumental scholarly works, such as Sharh Ma'ani al-Athar and Mushkil al-Athar, are encyclopaedic in scope and have long been regarded as indispensable for training students of fiqh. Imam Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi lived until 321 hijri /933.
Table of Contents :
---Transliteration Key,
---Translator's Introduction,
---Imam Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi,
---Imam Abu Hafs Siraj al-Din Ghaznawi,
---Author's Introduction.
---[1]. Exposition of the Creed of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah,
---[2]. Divine Unity,
-------Exposition of the Meaning of Divine Unity,
-------Disagreement on the Obligation to know Him Most High,
-------Ibrahim, alayhi salam's, method of Proving Allah's Existence,
-------The Proof of Divine Unity,
-------Allah's Eternality,
-------Allah's Perpetuity,
-------Allah's Will,
-------Allah's Dissimilarity to Creation,
-------Allah's Life,
-------Allah's Self-Subsistence.
---[3]. Allah's Eternal and Everlasting Names and Attributes,
---[4]. Allah's Pre-ordination,
-------Allah's Volition,
---[5]. Prophet Muhammad, ?, and His Description,
-------Belief in Muhammad's, ?, Prophethood,
-------Muhammad, ?,; the Seal of the Prophets,
-------Some of the Prophets, ?, Virtues and Distinctions,
-------Universality of the Prophets
, ?, Message,
---[6]. The Qur'an: The Eternal Word of Allah,
---[7]. The Beatific Vision,
---[8]. The Prophets, ?, Night Journey and Ascension,
---[9]. The Prophets, ?, Basin and Intercession,
---[10]. The Covenant Made with Adam, alayhi salam, and His Progeny,
---[11]. Divine Decree and Predestination,
---[12]. The Preserved Tablet and the Pen,
---[13]. Allah's Attribute of Creating,
---[14]. The Throne and the Footstool,
---[15]. The Angels, the Prophets and the Revealed Books,
---[16]. Declaring the People of the Qiblah to be Muslims,
---[17]. Debating about Allah's Essence,
---[18]. Arguing about the Qur'an,
---[19]. The Impermissibility of Accusing a Muslim of Disbelief,
-------Response to the Murji'ah,
---[20]. The Meaning of Faith,
---[21]. Faith Neither Increases nor Decreases,
---[22]. The Fate of Major Sinners,
---[23]. The Status of a Muslim,
---[24]. Rebelling Against Muslim Leaders,
---[25]. Wiping over Footwear,
---[26]. Hajj and Jihad,
---[27]. The Guardian Angels who are Scribes,
---[28]. The Grave and its States,
---[29]. Resurrection,
---[30]. Paradise and Hellfire,
---[31]. The Ability that Accompanies Acts,
---[32]. Slaves' Actions,
---[33]. Supplication and Alms on Behalf of the Deceased,
---[34]. Allah's Wrath and Pleasure,
---[35]. Loving the Companions of the Prophet, ?,
---[36]. The Order of the Caliphate,
---[37]. The Ten Given the Glad Tidings of Paradise,
---[38]. Speaking Well of Scholars,
---[39]. The Rank of Sainthood,
--------Miracles of the Saints,
---[40]. Portents of the Final Hour,
---[41]. Diviners and Soothsayers,
---[42]. Adhering to the Congregation,
*Dimensions : 24 x 16.5cm