Hashiya Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal :
*[A4] Hardback - pages, 17 Volume Set,
Musnad by Al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal [d.241h],
Sharh by Imam Nur al-Din al-Sindi al-Hanafi [d.1176h],
Tahqiq by Shaykh Nur al-Din Talib,
Published by Dar al-Nawadir.
Description :
Hashiyah Musnad al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal is the famous collection of hadith compiled by Al-Imam Ahmad Abdullah bin Hanbal, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, with its hashiya compiled by Imam Nur al-Din Abu al-Hassan al-Sindi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi.[d.1176 After Hijri].
This hashiyah is perhaps one of the best annotations on one of the largest hadith collections out there. Known for its exactitude in hadith and the transmitters of hadith, Imam al-Sindi displays a mastery of the science, in as much as little words and sometimes with extensive commentary. The publication has been widely received and accepted by scholars of hadith.
About the Musnad :
Imam Ahmad's Musnad is one of the earliest and largest collections of authentic hadith. It is organised into compilations of the hadiths narrated by each Companion (Sahabi al-Rasul, ﷺ), starting with the ‘asharah mubashsharah (“the men who were promised Paradise”). This highlights their status and the efforts they made to preserve the ahadith of the Beloved Messenger of Allah, ﷺ. The scholars and muhadditheen praised the Musnad of Imam Ahmad.
This Edition : This is a New seventeen volume set by Dar al-Nawadir publishing house, who print from Syria, Kuwait and Lebanon. Very good quality print on cream paper.
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241H / 855CE), was renowned for his profound knowledge of hadith—the
reports of the Prophet’s, ﷺ, sayings and deeds—is a major figure in the
history of Islam. Ibn Hanbal, may Allah be pleased with him, was famous for living according to his own
strict interpretation of the Prophetic model and for denying himself
even the most basic comforts despite belonging to a prominent & wealthy family.
His piety and
austerity made him a renowned fighurehead, especially after his principled
resistance to the attempts of two Abbasid caliphs to force him to accept
rationalist doctrine. His subsequent imprisonment and flogging became
one of the most dramatic episodes of classical Islamic history. Ibn
Hanbal’s resistance influenced the course of Islamic law, the rise of
Sunnism, and the legislative authority of the caliphate, tells the
formidable life tale of one of the most influential Muslims in history.
Imam Nur al-Din al-Sindi :
He is Abu al-Hassan Nur al-Din b. 'Abd al-Hadi as-Sindi, al-Hanafi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. He was born in Sindh, Pakistan and grew up there and then after traveled for Hajj and settled in Madinah al-Munawwarah where he took knowledge from scores of scholars. He took knowledge from Sayyid al-Barzanji, Mulla Ibrahim al-Kawrani and others. Al-Sindi became a respected teacher of Hadith in Madina. He completed one of the first translations of the Noble Qur'an from Arabic to his native language. Some of his popular students were; Imam Muhammad Hayat al-Sindi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi.
Some of his works are super-commentaries on the Sunan's except his Hashiyah on Al-Tirmidhi which was never finished. He also compiled the following;
---Hashiyah on Musnad Imam Ahmed,
---Hashiyah on Fath al-Qadir (reached up to the chapter of Nikah),
---Hashiyat 'ala al-Baydawi,
---Hashiyat on Mulla 'Ali Qari's az-Zuhra.
He died in 1176 AH/1724 Common Era and was prayed over my massive number of people in Madinah Munawwarah and laid down to rest in Al-Baqi'.
Arabic books.
*Single Volume Dimensions : 24.2 x 17.4cm.