The Rights of Husband & Wife: New

The Rights of the Husband & Wife : New,
'In the Prophetic Hadiths,
& the Statements of the Scholars
*[A5] Paperback - 132 pages,
by Shaykh Abd al-Hadi al-Kharsah al-Dimashqi [b.1378h],
Translated by Mahdi Lock,
Published by Nawa Books, Singapore.


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Description :

The Rights of the Husband & Wife (Huquq al-Zawjayn): 'In the Prophetic Hadiths, & the Statements of the Scholars.'  It is from Allah’s wisdom, Glorified and Exalted is He, that, over time, the Muslims have spread to every corner of the earth. In recent decades, however, this spread has been attributed to several causes, and what has been noticed and is not hidden from anybody who is familiar with the state of Muslims in Western societies is their lacking many of the factors of a social and Islamic upbringing that are normal and customary in Islamic societies.

These norms and customs, of course, come from the Revealed Law, whose source is the Book, the Sunnah, the consensus of the Ummah, and the preferred opinions of the imams and scholars. Thus, one of the most important reasons for the social stability that is found in Islamic societies is that life is based on solid foundations that come from the teachings of the Revealed Law.

About the Author :

Shaykh 'Abdul Hadi al-Kharsah al-Hanafi was born in Damascus in 1378 AH/1959 CE and graduated from al-Azhar in 1980. He has taken knowledge from the most senior Muslim scholars of his age and has several chains of transmission in hadith from the senior most hadith scholars.

The shaykh specialises on theology (kalam) and hanafi fiqh, as well as the educational and behavioural sciences. He is considered an authority (marja') in ash-Sham (Syria) and the leader of a knowledge-based revival. His preaching is distinguished by moderation, accurate understanding, foresight and conciliation. Shaykh 'Abdul Hadi has authored several works, and they have had a massive influence on students of knowledge and Islamic communities

About Shaykh Mahdi Lock:

Mahdi Lock is a teacher, student, blogger, writer, and professional freelance translator of classical Arabic Islamic texts into English. He has been studying theology, law and other Islamic sciences for several years with teachers in England, North Africa and the Middle East. To date, his translated works include Kitab al-Halal wa al-Haram by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Kitab al-Waqf from al-Mughni al-Muhtaj by al-Khatib al-Shirbini, the introduction to al-Majmu by Imam Yahya al-Nawawi and Sharh al-Sudur by Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti.
Other works of Shaykh Mahdi Lock.


Table of Contents :

---Publishers Foreword,
---About the Author,
---About the Book,

---The Qur'anic Verses that Discuss Marriage,

---Part One : The Rights of the Husband over the Wife,
------The 1st Hadith : Obeying the Husband,
------The 2nd Hadith : Serving him,
------The 3rd Hadith : Travelling with him,
------The 4th Hadith : Fulfilling his right,
------The 5th Hadith : Elucidating his rank,
------The 6th Hadith : Satisfying his natural desire,
------The 7th Hadith : Not annoying him,
------The 8th Hadith : Regarding permission.
---------Not performing supererogatory acts of worship without his permission.
------The 9th Hadith : Fulfilling his oaths,
------The 10th Hadith : Fulfilling his needs,
---------Answering him takes precedence over the needs of the house,
------The 11th Hadith : Not refraining from sleeping with him,
------The 12th Hadith : Not letting him down,
------The 13th Hadith : Mentioning his good deeds and beneficience,
------The 14th Hadith : Not forgoing his bed,
------The 15th Hadith : Not disrobing in other than his house,
------The 16th Hadith : Not leaving his house without his permission,
------The 17th Hadith : Not asking him for a divorce,
------The 18th Hadith : Applying perfume; only for the husband,
----------Perfuming and Beautifying herself is the Husband's right alone,
------The 19th Hadith : Reagrding permission in the husband's house,
----------Not performing night prayers without his permission,
------The 20th Hadith : Not being grateful,
----------The unlawfulness of being ungrateful to the husband,
------The 21st Hadith : The obligation to be grateful to the husband,
------The 22nd Hadith : Seeking to please the husband,
------The 23rd Hadith : The obedient wife's reward,
------The 24th Hadith : Husband being pleased,
----------The wife's death while her husband is pleased with her,
------The 25th Hadith : Obeying the husband is equivalent to jihad,
------The 26th Hadith : Reagrding the pregnant and new-born's mother,
----------The woman who is pregnant or suckling has the reward of a martyr.

---Part Two : The Rights of the Wife over the Husband,
------The 27th Hadith : Spending on her,
------The 28th Hadith : Honouring her,
------The 29th Hadith : Approaching her and it's etiquettes,
------The 30th Hadith : Being gentle towards women,
------The 31st Hadith : Being amiable with women,
------The 32nd Hadith : The poor qualities of the wicked husband,
------The 33rd Hadith : Not hating one's wife,
------The 34th Hadith : Not disclosing the secrets of intimacy,
------The 35th Hadith : The wife's rights and obligations,
------The 36th Hadith : Bearing with annoyance,
-----------Bearing with annoyance so that benefit results or harm is warded off,
------The 37th Hadith : The obligation of equity between wives.

---Part Three : General Rulings and Etiquettes in the Revealed Law,
------The 38th Hadith : The Unlawfulness of imitating the other sex,
------The 39th Hadith : Regarding tattoos and eyebrows,
-----------The unlawfulness of tattoos and plucking eyebrows,
------The 40th Hadith : The unlawfulness of hair extentions,
------The 41st Hadith : Covering during intercourse,
------The 42nd Hadith : Excessive adornments,
-----------The unlawfulness of embellishing oneself with more than what one has,
------The 43rd Hadith : Four types of permissible amusement,
------The 44th Hadith : Wall coverings and other issues,
-----------The ruling regarding covering walls with carpets and other matters,
------The 45th Hadith : Singing and instruments,
-----------The ruling regarding singing and beating duffs,
------The 46th Hadith : Consuming and sharing whilst menstruating,
-----------The permissibility of eating with one's menstruating wife & drinking from what she has drunk,
------The 47th Hadith : Not lawful for Muslim to avoid for longer than 3 days,
-----------Not avoiding the other for more than three days,
------The 48th Hadith : The reward for spending on one's wife,
------The 49th Hadith : Giving charity including one's jewellery,
-----------The woman's freedom to do what she wants with her property,
------The 50th Hadith : Causing division's amongst one another,
-----------The unlawfulness of causing division between a man and wife,
------The 51st Hadith : Rulings regarding freemixing,
-----------The unlawfulness of a man mixing with foreign women and shaking their hands,
------The 52nd Hadith : The unlawfulness of backbiting.





Also see Marriage books.
Also see Sisters books,


*Dimensions : 21.6 x 14.2cm.





  • Shipping Weight: 0.395 kgs
  • 22 Units in Stock

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