Shortening Long Hopes : Selection of '40 Hadith'
Taken from
Qisar al-Amal of ibn Abi Dunya [d.281h],
*[A5] Paperback/Booklet - 60 pages,
Translated by Dr Musharraf Hussain al-Azhari,
Published by The Invitation.
Description :
This book deals with a topic that is of immense importance in such a narcissistic post modern materialistic society. We live in a consumer-based society which is spent thrifty and truly in love with the world. This antidote to this is
Qisar-ul-Amal : 'Reducing Long Hopes.'
This book can be en effective antidote to our materialistic lives. Contains English translation and commentary with Arabic text
Ibn Abi Dunya: This book was compiled by the
muhaddith and scholar Hafidh Abu Bakr Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Baghdadi,
Rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, commonly known as Imam Ibn Abi Dunya. He was born in the year 208 After Hijri and passed away in 281 AH. Ibn Abi Dunya,
rahmatullahi 'alayhi, was a deeply spiritual man and someone who was deeply concerned about the growing worldliness of Muslims of his time.
Abi Dunya narrated from many teachers and wrote some two hundred books
and monographs. Like his contemporaries Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim,
may Allah be pleased with them, he narrates each
hadith with a continuous chain of narrators, usually containing five or six narrators.
Table of Contents:
------Love of the World,
------Ignorance About Reality,
------The Meaning of
Zuhd and Turning away from the World,
------Motivation for Developing
------Are Worldy Goods and Provisions Condemnable?
------What is the Purpose of
------The Book -
Qisar al Amal,
---[1]. Motivation to Hurry in Doing Good Works,
Ahadith 1 to 12,
---[2]. Discouragement to Postpone True Submission,
Ahadith 13 to 20,
---[3]. Remembering the Inevitability of AfterLife,
Ahadith 21 to 29,
---[4]. Condemnation of Spending on Buildings.
Ahadith 30 to 40.
Forty Hadith.
*Dimensions : 21 x 14.7cm.