Table of Contents
Volume 1
---Foreword to the Series,
---Foreword to the Volume,
---Translator’s Introduction,
---A Note on the Source Texts,
---Sigla and Conventions,
First Book
---On the Causes and Principles of Natural Things
---Chapter [1].
------Explaining the means by which to arrive at the science of natural things from their first principles,
---Chapter [2].
------Enumerating the principles of natural things by assertion and supposition,
---Chapter [3].
------How these principles are common,
---Chapter [4].
------Examination of what Parmenides and Melissus said regarding the principles of being,
---Chapter [5].
------On defining nature,
---Chapter [6].
------On nature’s relation to matter, form, and motion,
---Chapter [7].
------Of certain terms derived from nature and an explanation of their status,
---Chapter [8].
------On how the science of physics conducts investigation and what, if anything, it shares in common with the other sciences,
---Chapter [9].
------On defining the causes that are of the greatest interest to the natural philosopher in his investigation,
---Chapter [10].
------On defining each of the four kinds of causes,
---Chapter [11].
------On the interrelations of causes,
---Chapter [12].
------On the divisions of causal states,
---Chapter [13].
------Discussion of luck and chance: The difference between them and an explanation of their true state,
---Chapter [14].
------Some of the arguments of those who were in error concerning chance and luck and the refutation of their views,
---Chapter [15].
------How causes enter into investigating and seeking the why-question and the answer to it,
Second Book :
On Motion and That Which Follows It
---Chapter [1].
------On motion,
---Chapter [2].
------The relation of motion to the categories,
---Chapter [3].
------Concerning the list of those categories alone in which motion occurs,
---Chapter [4].
------Establishing the opposition of motion and rest,
---Chapter [5].
------Beginning the account of place and reviewing the arguments of those who deny and those who affirm it,
---Chapter [6].
------The various schools of thought about place and a review of their arguments,
---Chapter [7].
------Refuting the view of those who say that place is matter or form or any indiscriminate contacting surface or an interval,
---Chapter [8].
------The inconsistency of those who defend the void,
---Chapter [9].
------The essence of place and its confirmation and the refutation of the arguments of those who deny and are in error about it,
---Chapter [10].
------Beginning the discussion about time, the disagreement of people concerning it, and the refutation of those erring about it,
---Chapter [11].
------Identifying and affirming the essence of time,
---Chapter [12].
------Explaining the instant,
---Chapter [13].
------The solution to the skeptical puzzle raised about time and the completion of the discussion of things temporal, such as being in time and not in time, everlasting, eternity, [and the expressions] suddenly, right away, just before, just after, and ancient.
Volume 2
Third Book
---Concerning What Belongs to Natural Things Owing to Their Quantity.
---Chapter [1].
------The manner of investigation peculiar to this book,
---Chapter [2].
------On succession, contiguity, following immediately, interpenetration, cohesion, continuity, intermediate, limit, being together, and being separate,
---Chapter [3].
------The state of bodies with respect to their division and a report of the various arguments on which the detractors rely,
---Chapter [4].
------Establishing the true opinion and refuting the false,
---Chapter [5].
------Solution to the puzzle of those who prattle on about the atom,
---Chapter [6].
------On the interrelation of distance, motions, and times with respect to this topic, and an explanation that no first part belongs to them,
---Chapter [7].
------The beginning of the discussion about the finitude and infinitude of bodies and people’s opinions concerning that,
---Chapter [8].
------On the impossibility that either a body or magnitude or number in an ordered series is infinite, and that it is impossible that there be some infinite body that is moved either in its entirety or partiality,
---Chapter [9].
------An explanation of the way that the infinite does and does not enter into existence, and a refutation of the arguments of those who defend the existence of an actual infinite,
---Chapter [10].
------That bodies are finite with respect to influencing and being influenced,
---Chapter [11].
------That nothing precedes motion and time save the being of the Creator (may He be exalted) and that neither of the two has a first [moment] of its being,
---Chapter [12].
------Following upon the claim that there is a point of smallness at which natural bodies are divested of their forms and that, in fact, each one of them has a certain limiting point less than which its form is not preserved; likewise, following up on the claim that no motion is the lease, slowest, or shortest,
---Chapter [13].
------On the directions of bodies,
---Chapter [14].
------The natural direction of rectilinear motion.
Fourth Book
---On the Accidents of These Natural Things and Their Interrelations, as Well as the Things That Are Necessary Concomitants of Their Interrelations.
---Chapter [1].
------Of the subjects contained in this book,
---Chapter [2].
------On the numerical unity of motion,
---Chapter [3].
------On the motion that is one in genus and species,
---Chapter [4].
------Resolving the doubts raised against motion’s being one,
---Chapter [5].
------On motions that are and are not in concert,
---Chapter [6].
------On the contrariety of motions and their opposites,
---Chapter [7].
------Of the oppositions of motion and rest,
---Chapter [8].
------An explanation of whether one motion can really be continuous with another or whether that is impossible for them, such that there must be a state of rest between them,
---Chapter [9].
------On the motion that is naturally prior and a catalogue of the specific differences of motions,
---Chapter [10].
------The way in which space and other things are natural to the body,
---Chapter [11].
------On establishing that every body has as single natural space, and [on] the way space belongs to the body’s collective kind and to its individual instances as well as to simple and composite [bodies],
---Chapter [12].
------Establishing that every natural body has a principle of motion with respect to either place or position,
---Chapter [13].
------Accidental motion,
---Chapter [14].
------On forced motion and the mobile’s spontaneous motion,
---Chapter [15].
------The states of motive causes and the interrelations between the motive and mobile causes.
---Glossary of Arabic-English Terms.
---Subject Index.