My Qaidah : New

 My Qaidah : New,
*[A5] Matt Finish Paperback - 62 pages,
Compiled by Abdus Sami,
Published by IBEQ, UK.

Description :

A Comprehensive Qaidah, making Qur'an reading easy for New beginners and New Muslims. 'My Qaidah' is a comprehensive book of all the Qur’an reading rules (Tajweed), that are explained simply, with many examples and English comparisons.

Illustrations show where the Arabic root letters “live” in the mouth (Makhaarij), while charts and diagrams guide readers to understand why and how Qur’an words are pronounced correctly. See images below for sample pages.

Very unique in its fun and colourful approach, which I personally think
is the best way to learn. Having coloured symbols and letters makes it
easier to remember how to make the right sounds.
Love it.`Alimah student.

About IBEQ : The Islamic Board of Education and Qualification (IBEQ) is an examination and education body. They provide vital resources for students based on an Islamic curriculum, contemporary teacher training programs and high quality publications. IBEQ are Alhamdulilah, Ahl al Sunnah w'al Jama'ah.

Contents :

---[1]. Alphabet,
--------Lesson 1,  A, Ba, Ta, Tha,
--------Lesson 2,  Kha, Ha, Ja,
--------Lesson 3,  Za, Ra, Zhal, Daal,
--------Lesson 4,  Daad, Saad, Sheen, Seen,
--------Lesson 5,  Ghain, Ain, Zhaa, Thaa,
--------Lesson 6,  Laam, Kaaf, Qaaf, Faa,
--------Lesson 7,  Meem, Nun, Wow, Haa, Yaa,
--------Lesson 8, The Arabic Alphabet.

---[2]. Lesson 9. Makhaarij Diagram,
--------Lesson 10. How do Letters Change,
--------Lesson 11. How do Letters Change,
--------Lesson 12. How do Recognise Different Arabic Letters when Joined-Up,

---[3]. Lesson 13. Short Vowel: Fat'ha
--------Lesson 14. Long Vowel, Standing Fat'ha,
--------Lesson 15. Tanween (Nunation), Fat'ha-tain,

---[4]. Lesson 16. Short Vowel: Kasra
--------Lesson 17. Long Vowel, Standing Kasra,
--------Lesson 18. Tanween (Nunation), Kasra-tain,

---[5]. Lesson 19. Short Vowel: Dammah
--------Lesson 20. Long Vowel, Standing Dammah,
--------Lesson 21. Tanween (Nunation), Dammah-tain,
--------Lesson 22. Recap of the Harakat,

---[6]. Lesson 23. The Joining Sukoon,
--------Lesson 24. The Madd Leen Sound = Ow,
--------Lesson 25. The Madd Leen Sound = Ay,
--------Lesson 26. Long Vowels = EE, OO,
--------Lesson 27. Variation in Arabic Reading,

---[7]. Lesson 28. Understanding Double Letters (Tashdeed), Shadd,
--------Lesson 29. How to Read!
--------Lesson 30. Madd Signs,
--------Lesson 31. Noon Qutni,
--------Lesson 32. Silent Letters,

---[8]. Lesson 33. What is Tajweed? : It's Rules,
--------1. Qalqalah, (Echo),
--------2. Ghunnah, (Nasal),
--------3. Ikhfaa, (Nasal),
--------4. Izhaar, (Clearly or Separate),
--------5. Idghaam, (Merge),
--------6. Qalb, (Swap),
--------Lesson 34. Ayah Endings,
--------Lesson 35. A Taa Marbutah changes ...
----------Stop Signs,
----------The Triangle Stop,

---[9]. Lesson 36. Last 20 Surahs,
--------Surah Yasin,
--------Darood Shareef,
--------Surah Fatiha,

--------Lesson 37. Tashahud,
---------Darood Ibraheem,
---------Du'a Qunoot,

---Surah an-Naas,
---Surah Falaq,
---Surah Ikhlas,
---Surah Lahab,
---Surah Nasr,
---Surah Kaafiroon,
---Surah Kauthar,
---Surah Ma'un,
---Surah Quraish,
---Surah Feel,
---Surah Humazah,
---Surah Asr,
---Surah Takathur,
---Surah Qari'ah,
---Surah Aadiyaat,
---Surah Zalzalah,
---Surah Bayyinah,
---Surah Qadr,
---Surah Alaq.

---Arabic Poetry,

---[10]. Activities,
---------Activity 1 : Colour in the Arabic Letters,
---------Activity 2 : Practice Arabic Handwriting,
---------Activity 3 : Colour in the Holy Ka'bah,
---------Activity 4 : Match the Pictures to the correct Arabic Letter,
---------Activity 5 : Practice your Writing Skills by Colouring in, & Write it free-hand,
---------Activity 6 : Write out the Words in their Individual Form,
---------Activity 7 : Complete the Word-Search,
------Activity 8 : Complete the Crossword,

---Stop Signs : Waqif : Different signs in the Qur'an to stop or carry on reading,
------Sajadah Signs : 14 points of prostration,

---[11]. Key.

Highly Recommended!

Also see My Salah Book by IBEQ.

*Dimensions : 21 x 14.7cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.145 kgs
  • 101 Units in Stock

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