Usul al Tafsir : New

Usul al Tafsir : New,
The Sciences and Methodology of the Qur'an
*[A5+] Large Paperback - 366 pages
by Dr. Recep Dogan,
Published by Tughra Books, Turkey.



Back in Stock January 2025


Description :

This valuable work on the methodology of exegesis by Dr. Recep Dogan will serve as an important measure for future works in this area. With his expertise in the history and exegesis of the Qur’an, as well as his familiarity and comprehensive understanding of Islamic disciplines, Dr. Doğan has managed to combine both classical and modern acquis.

Those who benefit from this study will witness a centuries-old tradition at the same time learning modern developments and formations. Dr. Doğan displays a clear procedure for his readers with his method of explanation on the continuity of Quranic exegesis. He at all times maintains a serious balance and builds a meaningful bridge between the past and the present through the many examples he gives.

Presenting a variety of different approaches, Dr. Doğan also offers a broad range of Western approaches in reading the Qur’an. Western institutes that offer and those who receive education in the ‘Introduction to the Qur’an’ or ‘Approaches to the Qur’an’ will especially appreciate this work. It will also serve as reference to those who have an interest in the field or any Muslim who wants to deepen their understanding of their Muslim identity in the light of the Qur’an.

Table of Contents :

---Transliteration Table,

Chapter One:  Introduction to the Methodology of Qur’anic Exegesis,
---1.1. Definition of Qur’anic Sciences (‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān),
---1.2. The History of ‘Ulūm Al-Qur’ān,
---1.3. General Topics of ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān,
---1.4. Benefits of Studying the Sciences of the Qur’ān,
---1.5. Origin of the Term ‘Qur’ān’
---1.6. What Kind of Book Is the Qur’ān?
---1.7. Concepts of the Exegesis, Interpretation and Translation (Tafsīr and Ta’wil),
---1.8. The Differences between Interpretation (Tafsīr) and Translation (Tarjama),
---1.8.1. Two Types of Translation (Tarjama),
---1.8.2. Meal.

Chapter Two: The Notion of Revelation (Wahy),
---2.1. The Nature of Revelation,
---2.2. The Meaning of Revelation (Wahy),
---2.2.1. The First Revelation,
---2.2.2. Receiving the Revelation,
---2.3. The Forms of Revelation,
---2.3.1. Revelation without an Intermediary.,
---2.3.2. Revelation with an Intermediary,
---2.3.3. The Stages of Revelation,
---2.4. The Wisdom behind the Gradual Revelation of the Qur’ān,
---2.5. The Scribes of the Qur’ān and the Materials for Writing the Qur’ān,
---2.6. The Spoken and Written Word of God.

Chapter Three : Transmission of the Qur’anic Revelation,
---3.1. Memorisation and Oral Transmission of the Qur’ān,
---3.2. The Written Text of the Qur’ān at the Time of the Prophet,
---3.2.1. The Preservation of the Written Materials,
---3.2.2. The Collection of the Qur’ān (Jam’ al-Qur’ān),
---3.2.3. The Collection of the Qur’ān during Abū Bakr’s Time,
---3.2.4. Zayd ibn Thabit and the Collection of the Qur’ān,
---3.2.5. The Reasons for Choosing Zayd ibn Thabit for the Collection of the Qur’ān,
---3.2.6. ‘Umar’s Role in the Dissemination of the Qur’ān,
---3.2.7. The Methodology in the Collection of Zayd,
---3.2.8. The Specifications of the Collection of Zayd,
---3.3. The Collection of the Qur’ān during the Time of Uthman,
---3.3.1. The Reasons behind the Copying of the Qur’ān,
---3.3.2. The Methodology in the Collection of Uthman,
---3.3.3. The Activities of the Committee for the Uthman Collection,
---3.3.4. What Happened to the Copies of Uthman?
---3.3.5. Differences between the Two Collections,
---3.4. Qur’anic Script.

Chapter Four : Form, Structure, Coherence and the I’jāz of the Qur’ān,
---4.1. The Theory of I’jāz,
---4.1.1. Conditions of Mu’jizah,
---4.2. The Qur’ān is a Miracle (Mu’jizah),
---4.2.1. The Challenge of the Qur’ān (I’jāz al-Qur’ān),
---4.2.2. The Works against the Challenge of the Qur’ān,
---4.3. Arguments for the Divine Authorship of the Qur’ān,
---4.4. The Types of I’jāz in the Qur’ān,
---4.4.1. The Language of the Qur’ān,
---4.4.2. The Abundant Meanings in Its Words and Forms (Jazalat an-Nazm),
---4.4.3. The Beauty in Its Expressions,
---4.4.4. The Greatness in the Detached Letters ,
---4.4.5. The Encompassing Meaning of the Qur’ān,
---4.6. The Thematic Unity of the Qur’ān,
---4.7. The Predictions of the Qur’ān,
---4.7.1. The Predictions about the Past,
---4.7.2. The Predictions about the Future,
---4.7.3. The Predictions about the Unseen Truths.

Chapter Five : History of the Interpretation and Interpreters of the Qur’ān,
---5.1. The History and Development of Exegeses of the Qur’ān (Tafsīr),
---5.1.1. The Need for Tafsīr,
---5.2. Conditions for the Interpretation of the Qur’ān,
---5.2.1. Religious and Ethical Conditions for the Interpreter,
---5.2.2. The Required Sciences for the Interpretation of the Qur’ān,
---5.3. Tafsīr of the Qur’ān by the Qur’ān,
---5.4. The Tafsīr of the Prophet (pbuh),
---5.5. The Types of Tafsīr of the Prophet (pbuh) and Examples,
---5.5.1. His Tafsīr by the Qur’ān,
---5.5.2. His Tafsīr by Explaining What Is Mentioned Briefly in the Qur’ān,
---5.5.3. His Tafsīr by Strengthening the Meaning of the Verse,
---5.5.4. His Tafsīr by Explaining the Contradicting Expressions (tawdih al-mushkil),
---5.5.5. His Tafsīr by Explaining the Ambiguous Expressions,
---5.5.6. His Tafsīr by Explaining the Abrogated Verses (Bayān al-naskh),
---5.5.7. His Tafsīr by His Practises
---5.5.8. His Tafsīr by Philological Explanations,
---5.5.9. His Tafsīr by His Descriptions,
---5.5.10. His Tafsīr by Parables,
---5.6. Tafsīr by the Companions,
---5.7. Tafsīr by the Tabi’in (the Successors),
---5.7.1. The School of Mecca,
---5.7.2. The School of Medina,
---5.7.3. The School of Kūfa,
---5.8. Tradition or Reason-Based Tafsīr,
---5.8.1. Narration (Riwāyah) Tafsīr,
---5.8.2. Intellectual (Dirāyah) Tafsīr,
---5.9. The Well-Known Tafsīr Scholars
---5.9.1. Abd Allah Ibn ‘Abbās
---5.9.2. Muqātil b. Sulayman
---5.9.3. Yahya b. Sallam
---5.9.4. Muhammad b. Jarir at-Tabarī,
---5.9.5. Ibn Abī Hatim,
---5.9.6. Al-Zamakhshari,
---5.9.7. Fakhr ad-Din al-Rāzī.,
---5.9.8. Ibn Kathīr,
---5.10. New Interpretation of Islam: Main Feature of Modernist Qur’anic Scholarship,
---5.10.1 M. Fethullah Gülen and His Tafsīr.

Chapter Six : Occasions of Revelation (Asbāb al-Nuzūl) and Isra’iliyyat,
---6.1. The Occasions of Revelations (Asbāb an-Nuzūl),
---6.1.1. The Benefits of Knowing the Asbāb an-Nuzūl,
---6.1.2. Status of the Asbāb al-Nuzūl Reports from Companions,
---6.1.3. The Wording of Asbāb al-Nuzūl Reports,
---6.1.4. Specific and General,
---6.1.5. Types of Reports,
---6.1.6. Multiple Asbāb for One Verse,
---6.1.7. Multiple Revelations for One Occasion (Sabab),
---6.1.8. Some Issues Related to the Occasion of Revelation,
---6.1.9. Summary of
Asbāb an-Nuzūl
---6.1.10. Books on Asbāb an-Nuzūl,
---6.2. The Notion of Isra’iliyyat,
---6.2.1. Definition of Isra’iliyyat,
---6.2.2. The Approaches towards Isra’iliyyat,
---6.2.3. When the Narration of Isra’iliyyat Started,
---6.2.4. Important Figures in Isra’iliyyat Report Transmission,
---6.2.5. Categories of Isra’iliyyat.

Chapter Seven : Clear and Ambiguous Verses (Muhkam and Mutashābih),
---7.1. The Clear and Unclear Verses (Muhkam and Mutashābih),
---7.1.1. Definition of Muhkam,
---7.1.2. Definition of Mutashābih,
---7.1.3. The Usage of Muhkam and Mutashābih in the Qur’ān,
---7.1.4. How Can We Know Mutashābih Verses,
---7.1.5. Status of Muhkamāt,
---7.1.6. Categories of Muhkam and Mutashābih,
---7.1.7. Benefits of Mutashābih in the Qur’ān,
---7.2. Abbreviated / Detached Letters (Huruf al-Muqatta’a),
---7.3. General and Specific (Āam and Khās),
---7.4. The Unconditional (Mutlaq) and the Conditional (Muqayyad),
---7.5. Literal Meaning (Mantuq),
---7.6. Meaning (Mafhum),
---7.7 Literal Meaning (Haqiqah) and Metaphoric Meaning (Majāz),
---7.8 The Ambivalent and the Unequivocal (Mujmal and Mufassar).

Chapter Eight : The Notion of Abrogation (Naskh),
---8.1. Abrogation (Naskh),
---8.2. Some Important Points Regarding Naskh,
---8.3. The Way to Know Naskh,
---8.4. Evidence for the Existence of Naskh,
---8.5. The Conditions for Naskh,
---8.6. Classification of Naskh,
---8.7. Difference Between Abrogation (Naskh) and Specification (khās-takhsis),
---8.8. The Number of Naskh Verses in the Qur’ān,
---8.9. Benefits of Naskh,
---8.10. One Unique Approach to the Notion of Naskh.

Chapter Nine : Qur’anic Readings and the Seven Letters (Qiraat & Ahruf al-Sab’ah),
---9.1. The Various Readings of the Qur’ān (Qiraat),
---9.1.1. Definition of the Readings (Qiraat),
---9.2. The Acknowledgment of the Various Readings,
---9.3. The Classification of the Various Readings,
---9.3.1. The Authentic Readings,
---9.3.2. The Exceptional (Shazz) or Unauthentic Readings,
---9.4. The Issue of Seven Letters (Ahruf al-Sab’a),
---9.4.1. The Meaning of Seven Letters,
---9.4.2. Benefits of Seven Letters in the Qur’ān,
---9.4.3. Important Points about Seven Letters,
---9.5. Famous Readings (Qiraat) and the Reciters (Qurra),
---9.6. The Relationship between the Seven Letters and Various Readings.

Chapter Ten : Qur’anic Stories (Qasas al-Qur’ān) and Thematic Unity in the Qur’ān (Tanāsub),
---10.1. Qur’anic Stories (Qasas al-Qur’ān),
---10.1.1. Major Features of Qur’anic Stories,
---10.1.2. The Wisdoms behind the Stories of the Qur’ān,
---10.1.3. The Repetitions of Qur’anic Narratives,
---10.1.4. The Books about the Stories of Qur’ān,
---10.2. The Notion of Unclear (Mubhamāt) in the Qur’ān,
---10.2.1. The Types of Mubhamāt,
---10.3. The Notion of Addressing (Khitāb) in the Qur’ān,
---10.4. Questions and Answers in the Qur’ān,
---10.5. The Relationship between Chapters and Verses/Thematic Unity (Tanāsub),
---10.5.1. The Examples for the Interrelation among the Verses,
---10.5.2. Examples for the Interrelation between the Surah,
---10.6. Thematic Unity in the Qur’ān.

Chapter Eleven : Mystical Interpretation of the Qur’ān (Ish’ārī Tafsīr),
---11.1. Sufi Exegeses and Its Development,
---11.2. Important Sufi and Ish’ārī Exegetical Works,
---11.2.1. Al-Tustarī and His Tafsīr,
---11.2.2. Al-Sulami and His Tafsīr,
---11.3. Narratives of Moses and Khidir, alayhi'm as-salaam,
---11.4. The Special Knowledge of God’s Presence (‘Ilm Ladun),
---11.4.1. Verse of Light.

Chapter Twelve : Textual Analysis and Translation of the Qur’ān,
---12.1. The Need for Philological Exegesis,
---12.1.1. Al-Farrā and Ma’āni al-Qur’ān,
---12.1.2. Abū Ubayda and Majāz al-Qur’ān,
---12.1.3. Ibn Qutayba and Ta’wil-u Mushkil al-Qur’ān,
---12.2. Foreign Words in the Qur’ān,
---12.3. I’rāb al-Qur’ān,
---12.4. Wujūh and Nazāir,
---12.4.1. Words with Multiple Meanings,
---12.4.2. Disagreement among Linguists about the Meaning of Words,
---12.4.3. Disagreements about Absolute or Restricted Expressions,
---12.4.4. Disagreements about Real or Metaphoric Expressions,
---12.4.5. Disagreements about General or Specific (Āam-Khās) Expressions,
---12.4.6. Disagreements about Some Letters,
---12.4.7. Disagreement about the Reference of the Pronoun,
---12.4.8. Poetry in the Explanation of the Qur’ān,
---12.5. Orientalist Works about the Qur’ān,
---12.5.1. Nicetes of Byzantium, Refutation of the Qur’ān,
---12.5.2. Ignaz Goldziher,
---12.5.3. Theodor Noldeke - F. Schwlly, the History of the Qur’ān.






Also see Qur'anic Sciences,
Also see Tafsir and Tafsir Studies.

Also see Usul al-Fiqh by the same author.


* Dimensions : 24 x 17cm.


  • Shipping Weight: 0.695 kgs
  • 7 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Dr Recep Dogan

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