The Qur'an: A New Translation,
[A5++] Paperback - 307 pages,
by Thomas Cleary,
Published by Starlatch Press, USA.
Description :
is a new and complete (English only) translation of the Qur'an-the
Muslim scripture-by one of the premier translators of religious texts in
the world. The meanings of this sacred text are rendered into the
English language with subtle touches of poetry, allowing for the
opportunity to fully understand the spirit and soul of the Qur'an. This
direct and timely rendition is an essential source for the modern
Sura 3: Al 'Imran (verses 190-200)
Surely in the
creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and
day, are signs for people of understanding— those who remember God while
standing, sitting, and on their sides, contemplating the creation of
the heavens and the earth:
“Our Lord! You did not create this in
vain! Glory to You! Keep us, then, from the torment of the fire! “Our
Lord, whomever You cause to enter the fire You have disgraced; and there
are no saviors for the unjust. “Our Lord, we have indeed heard someone
calling, inviting us to faith— ‘Believe in your Lord’—and we believed.
So forgive us our sins, our Lord, and efface our evils; and take our
souls with the just. “And grant us what You promised us, our Lord,
according to Your messengers; and do not disgrace us on the day of
resurrection. For You surely do not break a promise.”
And their
Lord answered them, “I am never unmindful of the work of a worker among
you, male or female. You are from each other. So for those who emigrated
or were driven from their homes or suffered harm for My sake, or fought
or were killed, I will efface their evils and admit them to gardens
below which rivers flow, as a reward from the presence of God. And the
finest reward is in the presence of God.”
Do not let the luck of
atheists in the land deceive and seduce you. It is a little convenience;
then their abode is hell. And what a miserable bed! But for those who
are conscious of their Lord there are gardens below which rivers flow,
wherein they will abide, a gift from the presence of God. And what is in
the presence of God is best for the just. And surely there are those
among the people of scripture who believe in God, and in what was
revealed to you, and what was revealed to them, humble toward God: they
do not sell the signs of God for a petty price. They have their reward,
in the presence of their Lord. For God is quick in accounting.
O believers, be constant, excel in patience, and be firm. Be conscious of God, so that you may thrive.''
Thomas Cleary holds a Ph.D. in East Asian languages and civilizations
from Harvard University. He is the translator of many works including
The Art of War, Awakening to the Tao, The Book of Five Rings, and
Wisdom of the Prophet: The Sayings of Muhammad,
Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam.
Recommended as suitable for non-Muslims. (Does not contain any arabic text).