Qur'anic Terminology :
A Linguistic and Semantic Analysis, New,
Taken from the abridged Arabic edition -
'Al-Mafahim al-Miftahiyyah li Nazariyyah
al-Ma'rifah fi al-Qur'an al-Karim,'
*[A5+] Paperback - 190 pages,
by Balil Abd al-Karim,
Translated from the Arabic by Nancy Roberts,
Published by IIIT.
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Description :
There is no way to understand the Qur’an properly, or to elucidate as accurately as possible the meaning of its verses, without studying Qur’anic terminology and concepts. Taken together these sum up the universal truths of the Faith (the great moral code), not only animating the text and giving it incredible life, precision, and flexibility, but also enriching the communication of the Qur’anic message through their beautiful and comprehensive nature.
This study aims to provide a broad glossary of key Qur’anic terms and set forth these terms’ meanings, both semantically and linguistically, within their Qur’anic context. The format is organised in such a way as to facilitate ease of under-standing, guiding the lay reader carefully and logically through the various nuances of usage and meaning. The meaning of a given Qur’anic term will vary depending on the manner and the context in which it is used, and on the issues and questions in relation to which reference is made to it, and just as a concept gives rise to a term, so also does the term and its usage act to shape the concept. These and other aspects of the Divine communication are mapped and explored, leaving us with a greater appreciation of the Qur’an’s depth and what makes it a linguistic and literary miracle.
Balil Abd al-Karim has a PhD in Doctrine and Comparative Religion from the Faculty of Usul al-Din, Emir Abd Al Kader University of Islamic Sciences, Algeria. He has published a number of articles in the Journal of Emir Abd Al Kader University, and Al-Mi’yar.
Table of Contents :
--[1]. Studying Concepts from an Epistemological Perspective,
---The epistemological necessity of concepts,
---------The value of concepts,
---------Concepts in the logical sense,
---------Concept formation,
---Concept structure analysis,
---------Identifying a concepts structure,
---------The importance of concept structure analysis,
---Concepts and the problem of meaning,
---------The issue of language as approached by linguistics,
---------The issue of meaning as approached by rhetoricians,
---------The issue of meaning as approached by philosophers,
---------The issue of meaning as approached by scholars of the fundamentals of jurisprudence,
---Change in concepts,
---------Reasons for conceptual change,
---------Conceptual distortion,
---------Steps to be followed in the treatment of concepts,
---The network of key concepts in the Qur'an,
---The method of classifying epistemological terms in the Qur'an,
---------Lexical meaning (al-dalalah al-mu'jamiyyah),
---------Practical signification (al-dalalah al-isti'maliyyah),
---------Interpretative signification (al-dalalah al-ta'wiliyyah).
--[2]. Ma'rifah, 'Ilm and Wahy,
---Concepts relating to Ma'rifah,
---------The concept of Ma'rifah,
---------A summary of the term Ma'rifah in the Qur'an,
---------The concept of nakirah,
---------The concept of kufr,
---------The concept of idrak,
---------The concept of dirayah,
---------The concept of sidq,
---------The concept of haqq,
---------The concept of yaqin,
---------The concept of kadhib,
---------The concept of ifk,
---------The concept of iftira,'
---------The concept of buhtan,
---------The concept of sihr,
---------The concept of qira'ah,
---------The concept of dirasah,
---------The concept of tahsil,
---------The concept of ihsa,
---------The concept of taqdir,
---------The concept of bahth,
---------The concept of kashf,
---------The concept of naqib,
---------The concept of ba'tharah,
---------The concept of kitabah,
---------The concept of zubur,
---------The concept of sifr,
---------The concept of 'abd,
---------The concept of kalam,
---------The concept of qawl,
---------The concept of nutq,
---------The concept of lisan,
---------The concept of bukm,
---------The concept of hadith,
---------The concept of khabar,
---------The concept of balagh,
---------The concept of bushra,
---------The concept of nush,
---------The concept of qasas,
---------The concept of jalw,
---------The concept of indhar,
---------The concept of tahdhir,
---------The concept of bala'
---'Ilm related concepts,
---------The concept of 'Ilm,
---------The concept of hibr,
---------The concept of rabbani,
---------The concept of kursi,
---------The concept of atharah,
---------The concept of qabas,
---------The concept of rusukh,
---------The concept of sayyid,
---------The concept of hujjah,
---------The concept of burhan,
---------The concept of sultan,
---------The concept of ayah,
---------The concept of jidal,
---------The concept of su'al,
---------The concept of jawab,
---------The concept of fatwa,
---------The concept of bayan,
---------The concept of sharh,
---------The concept of tafsir,
---------The concept of hikmah,
---------The concept of huda,
---------The concept of ittiba,
---------The concept of shura,
---------The concept of fitrah,
---------The concept of hayy,
---------The concept of zann,
---------The concept of hasab,
---------The concept of jahl,
---------The concept of batil,
---------The concept of hawa,
---Wahy related terms in the Qur'an,
---------The concept of Wahy,
--[3]. Paths of Ma'rifah : Reason and Sensation,
---Concepts relating to Ma'rifah,
---------The concept of Ma'rifah,
---------The concept of hajr,
---------The concept of nuha,
---------The concept of qalb,
---------The concept of lubb,
---------The concept of fu'ad,
---------The concept of sadr,
---------The concept of fiqh,
---------The concept of fahm,
---------The concept of ihatah,
---------The concept of tamhis,
---------The concept of tamyiz,
---------The concept of tafakkur,
---------The concept of tadabbur,
---------The concept of tadhakkur,
---------The concept of hifz,
---------The concept of wa'y,
---------The concept of wijdan,
---------The concept of nisyan,
---------The concept of sahw,
---------The concept of ghaflah,
---------The concept of shakk,
---------The concept of rayb.
---Sensation-related concepts,
---The role of sensation in knowledge acquisition,
---The realm of sensation,
---------The concept of hass,
---------The concept of shu'ur,
---------The concept of ijas,
---------The concept of inas,
---------The concept of lams,
---------The concept of yad,
---------The concept of mass,
---------The concept of sam,
---------The concept of insat,
---------The concept of samam,
---------The concept of udhun,
---------The concept of basar,
---------The concept of ru'yah,
---------The concept of nazar,
---------The concept of mushahadah,
---------The concept of a'yn.
---[4]. Ma'rifah in the Qur'an,
---The definition of Ma'rifah,
---------The linguistic definition of Ma'rifah,
---------The definition of Ma'rifah based on common usage,
---------The technical definition of Ma'rifah,
---The nature of Ma'rifah,
---------The concept of the nature of Ma'rifah,
---------The nature of Ma'rifah in the Qur'an,
------------The source of Ma'rifah,
------------Intuitive and acquired Ma'rifah,
------------The first tier of Ma'rifah obtained by the first human being,
---------------Human Ma'rifah subsequent to primordial cognitions,
------------The object of Ma'rifah as presented in the Qur'an, is not essences but attributes,
------------Ma'rifah and existence,
---The realm of Ma'rifah,
---------The relationship between al-ghayb and al-shahadah,
---------The world of al-ghayb,
------------The dictionary definition of ghayb,
------------The usage-related definition of ghayb,
------------The features of al-ghayb,
------------The means for coming to know al-ghayb,
------------The principles of al-ghayb,
---------The world of al-shahadah,
------------The lexical definition of the root sh-h-d,
------------The usage-based definition of sh-h-d,
------------Categories of shahadah,
------------The relationship between the realms of al-afaq and al-anfus,
---Qur'anic criteria for Ma'rifah.
---------Qur'anic ethical standards of Ma'rifah,
------------Prohibiting strife and contention,
------------A warning against the suppression of the truth,
------------The dangers of being selective in the search for knowledge,
------------Speculation and surmise,
------------The prohibition of falsification and lying,
---------Scientific standards of truth in the Qur'an,
------------Refuse to accept claims not backed up by evidence,
------------Do not delve into matters of which you have no knowledge,
------------Make careful use of words,
------------Strive for a proper fit between your field of study and your scientific method,
------------Strive for a proper fit between the epistemological field in question and your intellectual capacities,
------------Achieve a thorough grasp of the issue at hand.
---[5]. 'Ilm in the Qur'an,
---The definition and types of 'Ilm,
---------The lexical definition of 'Ilm,
---------The usage-based definition,
---------Divisions of 'Ilm,
---Levels and criteria for 'Ilm,
---------Levels of 'Ilm,
---------The criteria of sound 'Ilm,
------------Academic integrity,
------------The ethics of polite disagreement,
------------Putting evidence before theorization and rule formation,
------------Careful use of scientific language,
------------The right fit between intellectual capacities and one's field of study,
---The Qur'an comprehensive view of 'Ilm,
---Categories of Ma'rifah,
---------Theology and jurisprudence,
---------The natural sciences,
---------The humanities,
---A comparison between Ma'rifah and 'Ilm,
---------Lexical differences,
---------Usage-related differences.
---[6]. Tools for Acquiring Knowledge in the Qur'an,
---The function of the senses in knowledge acquisition,
---Hearing and sight in the Qur'an,
---------The ear and hearing in the Qur'an,
---------The eye and seeing in the Qur'an,
------------The differences between sam' (hearing) & basar (sight) in the view of scholars,
------------The pairing of sam' and basar in the Qur'an,
------------The reasons for the Qur'an's mention of hearing before seeing,
------------Reasons for mentioning basar before sam' in the Qur'an,
---The Qalb in the Qur'an,
---------The concept of the Qalb in the Qur'an,
---------Qur'anic terms synonymous with Qalb,
---------The motions and states of the heart in the Qur'an,
------------Cognition and perception,
---------The importance of the Qalb in knowledge acquisition.
---[7]. Wahy (Revelation) and Nubuwwah (Prophethood),
------Revelation and Prophethood.
More on the Qur'anic Sciences,
More Islamic Studies.
*Dimensions : 22.8 x 15.2cm.