Al-Mantiq al-Jilani : English

Al-Mantiq al-Jilani : English, New,
*[A5+] Glossy Hardback - 152 pages,
by Sayyid Muhammad Zarqani,
Published by Sadr al-Ulama Publications,
Printed in Turkey.

Back in Stock February 2024
Description :
Al-Mantiq al-Jilani - This work is an introduction to classical logic. It is one of the first independent books written in the English language.
Mantiq is the Arabic name given to the science of classical logic - which has formed a major part of classical syllabi for Islamic scholars for centuries. Aiming to equip students with a skillset and methodology to ensure logical and consistent thought-processes and analysis, it is s science given ever less attention in today's world.
This work - part of a series of primers being written and published by the team at Sadr al-Ulama Academy - is a concise and beneficial work for the student as they begin their journey in the Islamic sciences. Written in easy-to-understand English, it enables the student to engage with the concepts and commit them to memory.

Table of Contents :

---About Sadr al-Ulama,
---The Sadr ul-Ulama Academy,
---Transliteration Key,

------Ilm al-Mantiq,

Section [1].
---Lesson 1. Tasawwur and Tasdiq,
---Lesson 2. Types of Tasawwur and Tasdiq,
---Lesson 3. Dalalah,
---Lesson 4. Dalalah Lafziyyah and Ghayr Lafziyyah,
---Lesson 5. Types of Dalalah Lafziyyah Wad'iyyah,
---Lesson 6. Lafz,
---Lesson 7. Types of Mufrad,
---Lesson 8. Further Types of Mufrad,
---Lesson 9. Types of Murakkab,

Section [2].
---Lesson 1. Mafhum,
---Lesson 2. Al-Nisab al-Arba'ah,
---Lesson 3. Types of Kulli,
---Lesson 4. Types of Jins,
---Lesson 5. Types of Naw' and Fasl,
---Lesson 6. Types of Kulli 'Aradi,
---Lesson 7. Types of Mu'arrif.

Section [3].
---Lesson 1. Qadiyyah,
---Lesson 2. Types of Qadiyyah Hamaliyyah,
---Lesson 3. Types of Muwajjahat,
---Lesson 4. Types of Qadiyyah Muwajjaha Basitah,
---Lesson 5. Qadiyyah Muwajjaha Murakkabah,
---Lesson 6. Qadiyyah Shartiyyah Muttasilah,
---Lesson 7. Qadiyyah Shartiyyah Munfasilah,
---Lesson 8. Tanaqud,
---Lesson 9. 'Aks,
---Lesson 10. Hujjah,
---Lesson 11. Types of Qiyas,
---Lesson 12. Types of Qiyas Iqtirani,
---Lesson 13. Types of Qiyas Istithna'i,
---Lesson 14. Qadaya Yaqiniyyah and Ghayr Yaqiniyyah,
---Lesson 15. Sina'at Khamsah.
More Mantiq books,
More Islamic Studies : Darsi Kitabs.

*Dimensions : 22.9 x 15.3cm.
  • Shipping Weight: 0.495 kgs
  • 10 Units in Stock

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