Introducing Arabic Rhetoric: Ilm al Balaghah

Introducing Arabic Rhetoric :
'Ilm al Balaghah, English,
*[A5] Paperback - 238 pages,
A New & Revised Expanded Edition,
by Safaruk Z. Chowdhury,
Published by Dar al-Nicosia Publishing House.


Back into Stock January 2022


Description :

'Introducing Arabic Rhetoric' is a book that aims to introduce students to the unique discipline of rhetorical studies as understood and formulated by Medieval Muslim rhetoricians drawing on materials from classical Qur’anic commentary and Arabic linguistics. The book comprises of eleven broad chapters outlining preliminary areas and a general exploration of traditional sub-fields within Arabic rhetoric applied to the Qur’an.

This new revised and expanded edition contains primary Arabic source material with all key technical terms translated with extensive notes and a helpful glossary at the end. There is also an appendix at the end that includes an Arabic edition and translation of the primer on rhetoric composed by the 18th century jurist, Mystic and philologist Ahmad al-Dardir, rahimullah, focusing specifically on 'Ilm al-Bayan (‘Figures of Speech’) for a small representative text for further study and exploration.

Table of Contents :

---General Abbreviations,
---Table of Abbreviations,
---Table of Symbols.

---New Introduction,

---Chapter [1]. The Importance of the Arabic Language,

---Chapter [2]. What is Balaghah, Importance, Beginnings and Outlines,
------1. Introduction,
------2. Balaghah and Fasahah,
------3. Arabic Rhetoric,
------4. Rhetorical Figures in the Qur'an,

---Chapter [3]. Breaking Down Balaghah : Surveying Word-Order, Figures of Speech and Embellishments,
------1. Word Order,
------2. Figures of Speech,
------3. Embellishments,
------4. The Progenitor of Badi Studies: Ibn al-Mu'tazz.

---Chapter [4]. The Inimitable Book : Explaining I'jaz,
------1. Introduction,
------2. Linguistic Features,
------3. The Argument from Enduring Eloquence,
------4. The Explanatory Argument,
------5. The Argument from Sarfah,
------6. The Argument from Future Events,
------7. The Argument from Scientific Facts,
------8. Diction,
------9. The Argument from Testimony,
------10. Orientalists and the Qur'an.

---Chapter [5]. Pioneers of 'I'jaz Studies,
------1. Al-Khattabi,
------2. Al-Rummani,
------3. Al-Jurjani.

---Chapter [6]. More than just Ta'khir-ing and Taqdim-ing : Exploring Word-Order,
------1. Affirmative Tools,
------2. Foregrounding and Backgrounding.

---Chapter [7]. When Simile Met Allegory : Unveiling Figures of Speech,
------1. Similes,
------2. Types of Similes,
------3. Metonmy,
------4. Allegory,
------5. Allegory and its Types,
------6. Metaphor and its Types,
------7. Hypallage.

---Chapter [8]. From Paranomasia to Hyperbole,
------1. Semantical Embellishments,
------2. Lexical Embellishment;
---------2.1. Rhymed Prose,
---------2.2. Paranomasia.

---Chapter [9]. Further Embellishments,
------Delving Deeper.

---Chapter [10]. Meaning, Structure and Texture:
------Qur'anuc Discourse World,
------1. Prepositions and Repetitions,
------2. Qur'anic Texture.


---Appendix :
------Appendix I: Surat al-Najm : Rhetorical Analysis,
------Appendix II: Surat al-Tariq : Rhetorical Analysis,
------Appendix III: Balaghah Examples from the last 10 Surahs,
------Appendix IV: A Primer on Arabic Rhetoric : Tuhfat al-Ikhwan fi ilm al-Bayan (translation),

---Basic Bibliography,
---Basic Arabic Terms.

Other books on Balaghah.
More Darsi Books.


* Dimensions : 23.5 x 15.7cm.




  • Shipping Weight: 0.495 kgs
  • 3 Units in Stock

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