Essentials of Tajwid : NEW

Essentials of Tajweed : New,
*[A5+] Paperback - 82 pages, In Colour,
Compiled by Muhammad Husein al-Qadiri
& Muhammad Kalim al-Qadiri,
Published by the Al Ihya Foundation.


Description :

The word Tajw?d comes from the Arabic root word ? ???? (jawwada) which literally means, “To make better/correct”.

Tajw?d can thus be said to mean :

                   “To pronounce every letter correctly; pronouncing every letter
                    from its correct articulation point (makhraj) and with its correct
                    characteristics (?if?t)

Reciting the Holy Qur’?n with Tajw?d is fard ‘ayn (individual obligation - fard on each and every person). The Holy Qur’?n is not an ordinary book but the Words of All?h. Therefore, one must pay complete attention to the way one recites the Holy Qur’?n.

The Arabic of the Qur’?n in particular (and Arabic in general) is both very sophisticated and sensitive; the slightest alteration in the pronunciation of a letter may change the meaning entirely; and sometimes these mispronunciations will give meanings that result in utterances of kufr (infidelity).

This is a very clear and concise presentation that has been published to a high standard. Ideal for madrassah or home schooling. Excellent quality Turkish print. See images below for page samples.

Table of Contents :

---The Virtues and Merits of the Holy Qur'an,
---Rulings and Etiquettes relating to the Recitation of the Holy Qur'an,
---The Importance of Tajwid,
---The Chain of the Canonical Recitation of Imam Hafs from Imam 'Asim.

---Lesson [1]. Terms to Know,
---The 29 Letters of the Arabic Alphabet,

---Lesson [2]. Al-Makharij - A Summary,
---Table which summarises the main articulation points,

---Lesson [3]. Al-Makharij in Detail - The Throat (al-Halq),
---3.1. Makharij of the Throat (al-Halq),
---3.1.1. Letters from the Bottom of the Throat (Aqsa al-Halq),
---3.1.2. Letters from the Middle of the Throat (Wast al-Halq),
---3.1.3. Letters from the Top of the Throat (Adna al-Halq),

----Lesson [3]. Al-Makharij in Detail - The Tongue (al-Lisan),
----3.2. The Articulation points of the Tongue (al-Lisan),
----3.2.1. Letters from the Root of the Tongue (Aqsa al-Lisan),
----3.2.2. Letters from the Middle Part of the Tongue (Wast al-Lisan),
----3.2.3. Letters from the Sides of the Tongue (Hafat al-Lisan),
----3.2.4. Letters from the Front of the Tongue (Adna/Tarf al-Lisan),
----3.2.5. Letters from the Tip of the Tongue (Ra's al-Lisan),
-------Group A. [ta'], ['ta'], [dal],
-------Group B. [tha], ['dal], [za],
-------Group C. [tha], [sin], sad],

----Lesson [3]. Al-Makharij in Detail - The Lips (al-Shafatan),
----3.3. The Articulation points of the Lips (al-Shafatan),
----3.3.1. Letters from the Inside of the Lower Lip,
----3.3.2. Letters from Both Lips,

----Lesson [3]. Al-Makharij in Detail - The Nose (al-Khayshum),
----3.4. The Articulation point of the Nose (al-Khayshum),
----3.5. The Articulation point of the Emptiness of Mouth & Throat (Jawf al-Fam),
-------Madd Asli (the orignal elongagtion),
-------Practice Table for Pronunciation,

---Lesson [4]. The Heavy and Light Letters; and the Letters of Qalqalah,
---4.1. The Permanently Heavy,  Temporarily Heavy, & Permanently Light Letters,
---4.1.1. The Permanently Heavy Letters,
---4.1.2. The Temporary Heavy Letters,
---4.1.3. The Permanently Light Letters,
---4.1.4. The Temporarily Heavy Letter - Ra,
---4.1.5. The Temporarily Heavy Letter - Alif,
---4.1.6. The Temporary Heavy Letter - Lam,
---4.2. The Letters of Qalqalah,
------Practice Exercises.

---Lesson [5]. The Rules of Mim-Sakin,
---5.1. The Rule of Idgham Mim-Sakin (to join),
---5.2. The Rule of Ikhfa Mim-Sakin (to hide),
---5.3. The Rule of Izhar (to making clear).

---Lesson [6]. The Rule of Mim and Nun Mushaddad,

---Lesson [7]. The Rules of Nun-Sakin and Tanwin,
---7.1. The Rule of Iqlab/Qalb (to change),
---7.2. The Rule of Izhar (to make clear),
---7.3. The Rule of Idgham (to join),
---7.4. The Rule of Ikhfa' (hiding),
------Practice exercise.

---Lesson [8]. The Rules of Madd (Extending),
---8.1. Madd Asli (original Madd),
---8.2. Madd-Muttasil (joint Madd),
---8.3. Madd-Munfasil (separated Madd),
---8.4. Madd 'Arid Waqfi,
---8.4.1. Madd Lin 'Arid Waqfi,
---8.5. Madd-Lazim (obligatory Madd),
------Practice exercises,
------Identify the Madds.

---Lesson [9]. The Rules of Waqf (Stopping),
------Practice Exercises for Waqf Rules,
---Symbols denoting pauses and their Rulings,
---Saktah (short pause).

---Lesson [10]. Miscellaneous Rules,
---10.1. Instances when the Alif is written but pronounced only if stopping,
---10.1.2. In Surah al-Kahf verse 38,
---10.1.3. In Surah al-Dahr verse 4,
---10.1.4. In Surah al-Dahr verses 15-16,
---10.1.5. Imalah,
---10.1.6. Ishmam,
---10.1.7. Tashil.

---Lesson [11]. Sifat - Characteristics of the Letters,
---Sifat if of two types,
---11.1. Permanent Characteristics with opposites,
------Pair 1 - Hams or Jahr,
------Pair 2 - Shiddah or Tawassut or Rikhawah,
------Pair 3 - Istifal vs Isti'la,
------Pair 4 - Itbaq vs.Intifah,
------Pair 5 - Ismat vs.Idhlaq,
---11.2. Permanent Characteristics without opposites,
------Qalqalah Kubra,
------Qalqalah Wusta,
------Qalqalah Sughra,

---Lesson [12]. Short Surahs Practice Exercise,



Highly Recommended!!!


More Tajweed Guides and C/Coded Qur'ans.

*Dimensions : 23 x 16.2cm.



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  • 44 Units in Stock

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