Lisaan ul Quran : (Language of the Qur'an) Vol 1, New,
'An Elementary Text on Arabic Grammar!'
*[A4] Hardback - 240 pages,
by Madrasah Ayesha Siddiqa, Karachi,
*Published by Maktaba tul Bushra.
Description :
"The grammatical rules of any language are not taught as an end in themselves; rather, they are the means to attaining proficiency in the various skills of the language. That is why all modern methods of teaching Arabic lay special emphasis on the practical application of grammatical rules rather than limiting the student to merely learning these rules by heart.
This book which is the result of a brief experience of teaching Arabic by the authors has been compiled on the pattern of "An-Nahu-ul-Waadhih" book which broke new ground in the teaching of Arabic grammar. Except for the first few lessons, all the chapters begin with Arabic sentences in the light of which the rule under discussion is explained.
Following that are necessary exercises by means of which the student acquires practice of the practical application of the rule. Sentences for translation from English to Arabic are also included. At the end of most of the chapters is an exercise, which consists of a Qur'anic Ayat, thus enabling the student to become acquainted with the Qur'anic style from the very beginning.
Special attention has been paid to declension so that the student may gain insight into the syntax of the language. For this purpose the technical terms of Arabic have been used.
Table of Contents :
---Publisher's Note,
---A Few Guidelines for the Teacher.
---The Arabic Alphabet,
---General Definitions.
---Chapter [1]. The Word and its Classification,
------The Three Classifications of a Noun,
---Chapter [2]. The Definite and the Indefinite,
---Chapter [3]. The Masculine and the Feminine Gender,
---Chapter [4]. An Introduction to Declension,
---Chapter [5]. The Singular, the Dual and the Plural,
------The Singular Noun and its Declension,
------The Dual Noun and its Declension,
------The Two Kinds of Plural,
------Declension of the Broken Plural,
------The Sound Plural,
------Declension of the Sound Masculine Plural,
------Declension of the Sound Feminine Plural,
---Chapter [6]. The Arabic Sentence,
------The Nominal Sentence,
---Chapter [7]. The Prepositions,
------The Dual in the Genitive Form,
------The Sound Masculine Plural and its Genitive Indication,
------The Sound Feminine Plural and its Genitive Indication,
------The Prepositional Phrase,
------Declension of Diptotes,
---Chapter [8]. The Demonstrative Pronouns,
------Declension of the Demonstrative Pronouns,
---Chapter [9]. Detached Personal Pronouns in the Nominative Form,
---Chapter [10]. The Adjectival Phrase,
---Chapter [11]. The Idafa Phrase,
------The Second Term when it is Dual, a Sound Plural or a Diptote,
------The First Term when it is Dual or the Sound Masculine Plural,
------Multiplicity of the First and the Second Term,
------The First Term & the Second Term of the Idafa Phrase when Modified by Adjectives,
------... and ...
---Chapter [12a]. Possessive Pronouns Attached to Nouns,
------The Noun with a Following First Person Singular Suffix,
---Chapter [12b]. Pronouns Attached to Particles,
------Object Pronouns Attached to Verbs,
---Chapter [13]. Thirteen: Positional Declension,
---Chapter [14]. Interrogative Pronouns,
---Chapter [15]. ... and its Sisters,
------The Subject of ... when it is an Attached Pronoun,
------Points Concerning the Predicate of ...,
------Sisters of ...,
---Chapter [16]. The Five Nouns,
---Chapter [17]. The Verb in the Perfect Tense,
------The Transitive and the Intransitive Verb,
---Chapter [18]. The Adverbs of Time and Place,
---Chapter [19] ... and its Sisters,
------The Predicate of a Weak Verb may be a Prepositional Phrase or a Sentence,
---Chapter [20]. The Relative Pronouns,
------Miscellaneous Exercises,
---Test Papers,
---Word List.
Also see :
---Lisaan ul Qur'an Vol 1,
---Lisaan ul Qur'an Vol 2,
---Lisaan ul Qur'an Vol 3,
More Arabic Grammar books.
*Non ASWJ.
*Dimensions : 25 x 19cm.