Commentary of Qasidah Ghawthiyya : English

Sharha Qasidah al-Ghawthiyya :
English Translation & Commentary,
*[A5+] Hardback - 272 pages,
by Al-Ghawth Al-Adham, Sayyidina Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani,
Translated by Mawlana Abdul Hadi,
Prepared by Imam Ahmad Raza Academy, S. Africa,
Published by Sufi Pages.


Back in Stock January 2025

Description :

The eagerly anticipated, first ever English Translation and Commentary on the much acclaimed Qasidah al-Ghawthiyyah [Ghausiya] of al-Ghawth al-Adham, the Sultan of the Awliya, the Sufi Master, Sayyadina as-Shaykh Muhiy ud-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, [may Allah sanctify his secret].

Extract from the Introduction :

This mystical Qasidah (ode) was uttered by the sacred lips of Hadrat Ghawth al-A'zam Sayyiduna Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir Jilani, may Allah sanctify his secret, in a deep state of Spiritual Rapture (wajd). It is a very beloved wird (litany) of our Qadiriyyah Silsilah by which murids derive immense blessings and favours both spiritually and physically. Each verse of this ode is a source of blessing and spiritual upliftment and they are extensively read daily by numerous disciples.

There are many views about the number of verses of this Qasidah and the great Mujaddid and Qutb, A'la-Hadrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri, may Allah be pleased with him, states that there are in all 28 verses. Since these verses were uttered in a state of hal (spiritual state) by a beloved and most highly elevated confidant of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, Ghawth al-A'zam Qutb al-Alam Sayyiduna Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah sanctify his secret, therefore, its recitation has an awesome spiritual impact on the heart and soul. It is recommended to be recited daily for the fulfilment of one's desires.

Hereunder, we note the benefits of its daily recitation :

   *** The Senior Masha'ikh state that if anyone desires to reach the Divine Proximity to the Sublime Lord of Power, one must daily recite this Qasidah to achieve this great privilege,
   *** Its recitation increases one's power of memory,
   *** If a student of the Arabic language recites this Qasidah he will be blessed with mastery of the Arabic language,
   *** If one recites it continuously for 40 days in times of difficulty or problems, one will be relieved of this misery,
   *** Anyone who places this Qasidah in front of him and recites it 24 times will be blessed by the great Ghawth, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, - with a vision of him in a dream,
   *** It is very beneficial to cure sickness and expel hardship if read three times daily,
   *** If a woman cannot conceive a son, she should receite this blessed Qasidah correctly 41 or 21 times continuously for 40 days and each day recitation, blow on a glass of water and drink it. Insha-Allah, by the grace of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, and blessings of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, she will conceive a son,
   *** If anyone is affected with any evil demon or black magic, recite this Qasidah 11 times and blow on a bottle of live oil and massage it on the affected person. Insha-Allah, the sick will get relief,
   *** If anyone is oppressed and troubled by a tyrant, one must recite this Qasidah daily before sunrise and after sunset and Insha-Allah, one will be relieved from his tyranny.

Table of Contents :

---Transliteration Key,

---Brief life sketch of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam, may Allah sanctify his secret,
------His 'Nisbah' or Blessed Genealogy,
------Paternal lineage,
------Maternal lineage,
------His Physical Description,
------His Marvellous Exploits and Charismatic Talents [karamat],
------A Glance of Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir enables a pupil to experience the Spiritual Culture he seeks,
------Shaykh 'Abdul Qadirs' pupils experience a lasting enlightenment when a cat falls from nowhere, literally,
------The In-depth Knowledge of the Great Ghawth,
------An amazing Question and an astonishing Answer,
------His Occult forms of Worship,
------The Shaykh overpowers the cursed Devil,
------His Gatherings and Discourses,
------Scribes in his Discourses,
------The Attendance of his Gatherings,
------12 Narrations,
------Important Note,
------Another Important Note,
------15 Narrations,
------His Excellent Morals,
------2 Narrations,
------His students and his Dedication,
------4 Narrations,
------Salat al-Ghawthiyyah,
------His stately Discourses,
------Some of His Illustrious Khulafah,
------The Chain of the Four Salasil of the Ghawth :
--------The Siddiqi Silsilah Chain,
--------The Faruqi Silsilah Chain,
--------The Uthmani Silsilah Chain,
--------The 'Alawi Silsilah Chain,
------The Qadiriyyah Mashai'kh Silsilah Chain,
------His Sad Demise.

---Qasidah Ghawthiyyah,
---Conditions and Rules of reciting this Qasidah,
---Benefits of each individual verse,
---Method of performing Zakat of Qasidah Ghawthiyyah,

---[1st] Verse with Commentary,
---[2nd] Verse with Commentary,
---[3rd] Verse with Commentary,
---[4th] Verse with Commentary,
---[5th] Verse with Commentary,
---[6th] Verse with Commentary,
---[7th] Verse with Commentary,
---[8th] Verse with Commentary,
---[9th] Verse with Commentary,
---[10th] Verse with Commentary,
---[11th] Verse with Commentary,
---[12th] Verse with Commentary,
---[13th] Verse with Commentary,
---[14th] Verse with Commentary,
---[15th] Verse with Commentary,
---[16th] Verse with Commentary,
---[17th] Verse with Commentary,
---[18th] Verse with Commentary,
---[19th] Verse with Commentary,
---[20th] Verse with Commentary,
---[21st] Verse with Commentary,
---[22nd] Verse with Commentary,
---[23rd] Verse with Commentary,
---[24th] Verse with Commentary,
---[25th] Verse with Commentary,
---[26th] Verse with Commentary,
---[27th] Verse with Commentary,
---[28th] Verse with Commentary,
---[29th] Verse with Commentary.

---Few personal waza'if of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam, may Allah sanctify his secret,
----Bashair al-Khayrat,
----Salat al-Ghawthiyyah,
----Kibrit-e-Ahmar Sharif,
----The Forty Kaafs,
----The Ten Kaafs,
----The Couplet of Sayyiduna Ghawth,
----Wird of Sayyiduna Ghawth,
----The Daqa'iq of Sayyiduna Ghawth,
----The Names of our Master, Sayyid 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, also called the 'Plea for Help' [al-Isti'ana],

More Qadiriyyah books.



*Contains footnotes with extensive references.

Sub-Continent Print!  This is an 'above average pprint' compared to the usual Sub-Continental fayre.

Condition : May have minor bruising and blemishes, therefore slightly imperfect.





Current Reviews: 1

  • Shipping Weight: 0.679 kgs
  • 7 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Sh. Abd 'al-Qadir al-Jilani

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