Dala'il al-Khayrat : Guide to Goodness -
Complete Arabic-English Texts,
[A5] Paperback - 156 pages,
by Imam al-Jazuli,
Transl. by Andrey Hassan Rosowsky,
''Great Books of the Islamic World Series''
Published by Kazi, USA.
Back in Stock January 2025
Description :
Dala’il al-Khayrat is unquestionably the most celebrated manual of Blessings on the Beloved Prophet, May Allah bless him and give him Peace, in history. From the time of its authorship in fifteenth-century Fez by the Moroccan Shadhili Shaykh Muhammad al-Jazuli (d. 870/1465), it swept throughout the whole of the Islamic World from North Africa to Indonesia. Countless millions of copies have been in circulation over the centuries with scarcely a well-to-do home in the Muslim heartlands being without one. Princes exchanged magnificent copies of it, commoners treasured it, pilgrims wore it at their side on the way to hajj. It is said in Singapore this was the only Muslim book they had during the Japanese occupation of World War II and they all recited it daily. Their prayers were answered.
'O God, bless our Master Muhammad just as You blessed our
Master Abraham, and sanctify our Master Muhammad and the
Family of our Master Muhammad just as You sanctified the
Family of our Master Abraham, in all the worlds, for You are
Praiseworthy, the Mighty! (And Bless him) as much as all of
Your Creation, to the extent of Your Pleasure, in the decoration
of Your Throne and in the ink of Your Words, as often as Your
Creation has remembered You in the past and as often as they
will remember You throughout the rest of time, and bless him
in every year, in every month, in every week, in every day, in
every night, in every hour, in every sniff, in every breath, in
every blink and in every glance, for ever and ever, for the
duration of this world & the duration of the next world, and
for longer than this, with a beginning that never ends and an
end which never finishes!
It is said of the Dalail ul-Khayrat: “Millions of Muslims from East to West tried it and found its good, its baraka, and its benefit for centuries and over generations, and witnessed its unbelievable spiritual blessings and light. Muslims avidly recited it, alone and in groups, in homes and mosques, utterly spending themselves in the Blessings on the Most Beloved and praising him.
Table of Contents :
---Translators Note,
---About the Author,
---The Opening of Devotions,
---The Most Beautiful Names of God,
---Verses Penned by the Urdu Translator,
---The Opening Supplication,
---Author's Foreword,
---201 Names of Our Master and Prophet Muhammad, God's Blessings and Peace be upon him and His Family,
---The Supplication of Intention,
---The Description of the Rawdah,
---The Method of Requesting Blessings Upon the Prophet, God's Blessings and Peace be upon him and His Family.
---The Dalayl al-Khayrat :
---The First Part to be Read on Monday,
---The Second Part to be Read on Tuesday,
---The Third Part to be Read on Wednesday,
---The Fourth Part to be Read on Thursday,
---The Fifth Part to be Read on Friday,
---The Sixth Part to be Read on Saturday,
---The Seventh Part to be Read on Sunday,
---The Eighth Part to be Read on Monday.
---The Supplication of Refuge.
And The Advent of Blazing Lights
In Remembering to Ask
For Blessings Upon The Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa Sallam.
More Dalayl al-Khayrat,
Also see Qasidah Burdah,
Also see Awrad & Prayers.
Arabic with English translation on accompanying page.
An alternative translation in Hardback binding.