Hayat e Ghawth al-Alam Makhdoom Ashraf Jahanghir :
[A5] Paperback - 96 pages,
by Sayyad Muhammad al-Khicchocawi,
Published by Shaykh al Islam Academy, Hyderabad,
Printed by Mohammadi Book Depot, Delhi.
Description :
Hayat al-Ghawth al-Alam - 'Tarikh al-Sultanat' Sultan Makhdoom Ashraf Jahanghir al-Simnani,
radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, [d.808h]
Extract from the Intrdouction :
After numerous acts of humbleness and after visiting the Mazaars
of numerous Sufi giants and Spiritual Masters, I can without doubt
declare that this treatise is a means for my salvation in the Hereafter.
I am writing these few pages and can safely declare that my
pen is in a state of spiritual exhiliration and ecstasy. These pages
have become a carpet under the feet of a pure and enlightened soul and
my pen is able to achieve beauty by mentioning a very great and blessed
soul. I am certainly proud of these moments and I praise the Almighty
Allah with all due humbleness and sincerity that this effort would be
accepted.'' ---
Faqir Abul Muhamid Sayyad Muhammad Ashrafi Jilani (Muhaddith al-A'zam al-Hind, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan).
Jamaadi ul Ula 1342, [January 1924].More
Ashrafi Tariqah books,
Urdu books.
Dimensions : 21.6 x 13.8cm.