The Sublime Treasures

The Sublime Treasures :
Answers to Sufi Questions,
*[A5+] Glossy Paperback - 220 pages,
by : Imam Abdallah ibn 'Alawi al-Haddad,
Tanslated from Arabic by : Mostafa al-Badawi.
Published by : Fons Vitae, USA.
RRP £17.99


Description :

The Sublime Treasures is an important work in the field of Islamic spirituality.   This volume contains Imam Al-Haddad's, may Allah be pleased with him, answers to letters he received posing questions on easily confusing and subtle Sufi matters, presented in Imam Haddad's inimitable style of succinct clarity.

Included are questions pertaining exclusively to Sufism, such as those concerning the Pole of Time and the Circle of Saints, the Afrad- who are the solitary saints said by some to be outside the jurisdiction of the Pole and in direct contact with al-Khidr, the definition of the siddiq, that of the majdhub, the states of extinction and subsistence, various technical points concerning the relationship between the master and the novice, Sufi courtesy with God and His saints, the worlds of Mulk, Malakut, Jabarut, and Lahut, which are the degrees of universal existence, and how to deal with obscure passages in the works of such esoteric writers as Ibn Arabi, May Allah be pleased with him.

There are also questions of a more general tenor, such as those concerning the degrees of the Garden and its gates, the merits of recitation of the Qur'an over awrad, the respective merits and courtesies of poverty and wealth, and of fame and obscurity, the offering of the rewards of certain acts of worship to the spirits of the dead, sins committed in Ramadan when devils are shackled, and the causes of the civil wars that Amir al-Momineen; Shaykh Ali ibn Abi-Talib, May Allah be pleased with him, was forced to wage.  It will be noticed how the Imam curtly sweeps aside anything that has no direct bearing on the traveler's path. Questions devoid of practical value are pitilessly dismissed in a summary manner and the reader is firmly reoriented to what is of immediate benefit to him.

Sufi masters have always been most reluctant to discourse openly about Divine secrets, knowing that such discourse causes much confusion and frequently leads novices into believing or pretending they have reached that which they have not. The Imam, however, allowed himself more freedom in letters addressed to his scholarly disciples- extracts of which constitute this volume- than in books.





The Sublime Treasures - Table of Contents :

---Translator's Introduction,

---[1].  The thoughts that occur to one who has reached God the Exalted,
---[2].  The sins of the gnostics,
---[3].  Ranks of the men of God,
---[4].  Mixing with sinful persons,
---[5].  Being slow to acts of goodness, while fond of goodness and good people,
---[6].  To conceal or reveal one’s activities,
---[7].  Which of the Qur’an, tasb?, or tahl?l is better for a wird?
---[8].  To prolong each ritual prayer or shorten it to increase the number of prayers?
---[9].  On thoughts that occur at night.
---[10]. The farthest people from God the Exalted are those who refer to Him most frequently,
---[11]. The soul’s address to the heart,
---[12]. Should the shaykh be loved for himself, his qualities, or the comfort that he provides?
---[13]. The prayer of the Prophet, may God’s blessings & peace be upon him, for Ibn ‘Abbas,
---[14]. Those who are too occupied with the remembrance of God to petition Him,
---[15]. A shaykh should know the principles of religion and their applications,
---[16]. The circles of the saints,
---[17]. Denying the karamat of the saints,
---[18] .The angels’ interrogation of people in their graves,
---[19]. On the gardens of Paradise and the fire,
---[20]. On preferring others to oneself,
---[21]. The times for the morning and evening invocations,
---[22]. Rubbing one’s body after recitation,
---[23]. The meaning of ‘traveling’ to God the Exalted,
---[24]. Discretion as regards spiritual states and stations,
---[25]. Standing before God,
---[26]. The disciple’s blameworthy desire for karamat,
---[27]. Are the angels superior to the Prophets?
---[28]. Non-Arabic words in invocations and prayers,
---[29]. “God does what He wills, whether of possible or impossible things.”
---[30]. Sitting with those before whom one is shy,
---[31]. Does ostentation cancel a deed’s reward?
---[32]. Acting for the sake of other-worldly rewards,
---[33]. Remembrance: silent or aloud?
---[34]. A valley in hell for hypocrite scholars,
---[35]. On experiences of remembrance,
---[37]. Invocations of the tongue then of the heart,
---[37]. A state of absence–that occurs to the invokers,
---[28]. Sicknesses of the heart of no known cause,
---[39]. Good works bearing fruits in this world,
---[40]. Comparison between two persons in their expectation of death,
---[41]. The beginning of the quest (irada),
---[42]. Heat that invokers experience inwardly,
---[43]. The benefits consequent upon saying la' ila'ha illa’llah,
---[44]. On isolation (‘uzla),
---[45]. “A man is with whom he loves.” 
---[46]. Conditions in which God establishes His servants,
---[47]. States of the soul during remembrance,
---[48]. ‘Spontaneity.’
---[49]. Relative merits of poverty and wealth,
---[50]. Prolongation of lifespans,
---[51]. “The soul falls back on its habits when hardships come...”
---[52]. Acting according to the noble stations,
---[53]. Fearing ostentation,
---[54]. ‘Knowledge’, ‘eye’ and ‘truth of certainty.’
---[55]. Reflecting on the stations,
---[56]. “Listening, then understanding, then arriving, then tasting.”
---[57]. The shaykh refining the disciple,
---[58]. The meaning of “erasure.”
---[59]. More on “A man is with whom he loves.”
---[60]. On falling back,
---[61]. The rules of isolation and retreat,
---[62]. Experiences and unveilings of the gnostics,
---[63]. On the disciple’s closeness to the master,
---[64]. Verses by Shaykh Abu ‘Al? Al-Rudhbar?,
---[65]. Thoughts that alarm,
---[66]. Remaining seated in one’s place after the dawn prayer,
---[67]. The difference between powerlessness and weakness,
---[68]. Comparison between two shaykhs,
---[69]. “Who is the disciple?
---------Who is the Sufi,
---------What is Sufism?
---------What does a man do to become a Sufi?”
---[70]. Sulük, munazalat, and istilam,
---[71]. Invoking blessings on the Messenger of God after adhan,
---[72]. On backbiting,
---[73]. Do the believers among jinn share in gnosis and the vision of God?
---[74]. Can a man with no progeny pray for his dhurriyya?
---[75]. On people sprouting before the resurrection,
---[76]. How a man can enter the Garden from all eight gates,
---[77]. Hadiths concerning the resurrection of arrogant people in the form of small specks of dust,
---[78]. Imam al-Ghazal?’s saying “Not everyone has a heart.”
---[79]. The Prophet answers Muslims who salute him,
---[80]. Forms of the people of the Garden and those of the Fire,
---[81]. To have more than one shaykh,
---[82]. On audition,
---[83]. The first step on the path of God,
---[84]. Should the disciple commit himself entirely to the Master?
---[85]. Differences between the visible and invisible realms,
---[86]. On following an example,
---[87]. Attachment to created beings,
---[88]. Loving the virtuous,
---[89]. Reacting to praise and criticism,
---[90]. “He who knows himself knows his Lord.”
---[91]. “Audition” for those who have crossed the states and stations,
---[92]. The acts of created beings,
---[93]. About those Muslims who fought Sayyadina ‘Al?, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---[94]. Gatherings held in mosques where love poetry is sung,
---[95]. On forgetting and being forgotten,
---[96]. The ram that the people of al-Gh?l call Musayir,
---[97]. On courtesy,
---[98]. One’s intention when one salutes the virtuous,
---[99]. Specific questions concerning the Sunna,
---[100]. About invocations before sleep,
---[101]. Whether the musabba‘at could be requited later if missed,
---[102]. Attending gatherings where music is played,
---[103]. Feeling more inclination for the sciences of the outward than for those of the inward,
---[104]. A specific question on adab,
---[105]. On reciting the wird while walking,
---[106]. The regular recitation of the litanies of Shaykh Abul Hasan al-Shadhil?,
---[107]. On certain verses of poetry,
---[108]. On the eternity of hell,
---[109]. Those who were never reached by the summons [to Islam] but who nevertheless behaved in certain matters according to the religious Law,
---[110]. On increasing in rank through one’s master,
---[111]. Teaching children and others,
---[112-118]. The definition of sincerity, the sincere, total truthfulness and the Sidd?q,
---[119]. Haq?qa and shar?‘a,
---[120]. On the saying of a shaykh “I have given you authorisation for sciences that neither Messenger, Prophet nor near angel know about…”
---[121]. Questions on certainty and other matters,
---[122]. On different lengths of awrad,
---[123]. Donating the reward for one’s actions to the dead,
---[124]. On the saying “May God increase our reward for the affliction of prolonged distraction.”
---[125]. The faith of the follower,
---[126]. Which is better, knowledge or love?
---[127]. When one’s parents urge upon one the pursuit of worldly means,
---[128]. What if a wal? does something that damages his integrity?
---[129]. On the conditions for investiture,
---[130]. Can a man who fears ostentation teach religious sciences?
---[131]. The bodies of the people of the Garden and their speech,
---[132]. The children of Muslims and of idolators,
---[133]. A verse from Ibn al-Farid,
---[134]. People who are wronged and avenge themselves and others who do not,
---[135]. On extinction,
---[136]. The levels of the garden,
---[137]. On a statement by Ibn al-‘Arab?,
---[138]. “Abandon all the world and you will find all the world.”
---[139]. Works to be done by day and works to be done by night,
---[140]. The community at the Resurrection,
---[141]. On reciting Sürat Al-Ikhlas,
---[142]. On divestment,
---[143]. Should the gnostic reprove the act of a created being?
---[144]. The perfection of gnosis,
---[145]. When dreaming of the saints stops,
---[146]. The science of signs,
---[147]. Seeking beneficial sciences,
---[148]. The sign of an unanswered prayer,
---[149]. The ‘resting pause.’
---[150]. Dedicating one’s reward for a monetary charity to the dead,
---[151]. On the term “light” as used by the Sufis,
---[152]. “The seventy and the eight” of Shaykh Abul-Hasan al-Shadhil?,
---[153]. Reciting the litanies of Shaykh Abul-Hasan al-Shadhil?,
---[154]. On circles of dhikr and other matters,
---[155]. On a saying of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
---[156]. Each verse of the Qur’an has an outward, an inward, a limit and a rising place,
---[157]. The maghrib prayer during Ramadan,
---[157]. The prayer for rain,
---[158]. On committing sins during Ramadan,
---[159]. On the Garden,
---[160]. On the hadith “Were I and the Son of Mary to be judged for what these two have committed…”
---[161]. On the hadith “The one who stands up [in prayer] with ten verses will not be recorded among the distracted…”
---[162]. On certain virtuous servants of God





More Ba 'Alawiya Books.



*Dimensions : 23 x 15.5cm (approx).




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  • Written by: Imam al-Haddad

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