The Book of Intentions, New,
Towards a Life of Purpose & Clarity,
"Kitab al-Niyyat"
*[A5] Paperback - 185 pages,
by Habib M. Sa'd bin 'Alawi al-Aydarus [d.1432h],
Translated by Talut Dawood
Published by Imam Ghazali Institute, USA.
Now in Stock : January 2025
Description :
The Book of Intentions a new translation of 'Kitab al-Niyyat' by Habib Muhammad ibn ʿAlawi al-ʿAydarus, better known as Ḥabib Sa'd. In this text, Habib Sa'd explores the transformative power of intention (niyyah) in Islamic practice. Rooted in the profound and widely-known hadith that "actions are by intentions," this book guides readers through the process of aligning one's daily actions with one's intention and purpose, such that every deed is transformed into an act of worship.
Throughout the text, Habib Saʿd emphasises that the heart's intentions are more significant than physical actions alone; and that even small acts, when performed with the right intention, can yield immense spiritual rewards.
The Book of Intentions is structured around various themes, such as:
**** Visiting the Mosque,
**** Gathering for Prayer,
**** Cultivating Relationships with Fellow Believers,
**** Ordinary Actions of Everyday Life,
And more.
For each act, the author provides a detailed set of recommended intentions, highlighting the unique rewards associated with each one. Habib Saʿd also cites numerous hadith, along with many insights from the scholars and the tradition, to illustrate the deep-seated importance of intentions in the life of a Muslim.
As a whole, this text is a powerful exhortation for the believers to make every permissible action purposeful, including even routine tasks like eating and drinking, waking and sleeping, buying and selling, and being in the company of our family and friends. Through these practical examples, Habib Saʿd illustrates how proper intentions can imbue our daily lives with sanctity and purpose, and help us to live in a continuous state of worship in every moment.
Habib Muhammad Sa'd bin 'Alawi al Aydarus, may Allah have mercy upon him, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was born in Tarim in 1351 AH/1932 CE. He has studied under many learned Imams and Shuyukh. He has composed over forty books, and led and participated in many lessons and gatherings of dhikr. He continued to reside and teach in Tarim, as a beacon of knowledge and a pillar of the community until he passed away in 2011.
Table of Contents :
---About the Author,
The Book of Intentions :
---[1]. Pious Intention,
---[2]. The Intention for Going to the Mosque,
---[3]. The Intention for Sitting in Mosques and Remaining in Them,
---[4]. The Intention for Visiting Brethren,
---[5]. The Intention for Sending Salat and Salam upon the Prophet,
---[6]. The Intention for [Reciting] a Hizb of Qur'an,
---[7]. The Intention for Rising at Night [for Worship],
---[8]. The Intention for Da'wa ila Allah [Inviting to Allah],
---[9]. The Intention for Marriage,
-------The Supplication of the One Getting Married,
---[10]. The Intention Studying 'Ilm [Knowledge] and Teaching,
---[11]. The Intention for Khalwa [Seclusion],
---[12]. The Intention for Hunger for the Sake of Allah,
-------Summary for the Intention for Hunger,
---[13]. The Intention for Reading, Acquiring Books 'Ilm [Knowledge],
---[14]. The Objectives of the Listener, Student who Visits the Sites of the Pious and Learned and Circles of 'Ilm and Dhikr,
---[15]. The Intention for Acquiring Wealth, Property and All that Muslims can Benefit From,
---[16]. The Intention for Visiting the Scholars; Shuyukh,
---[17]. The Intention for Attending a Gathering of Goodness; Khayr,
---[18]. The Intention for Attending a Mawlid Gathering,
---[19]. The Intention for Visiting the Graves,
---[20]. The Intention for Driving a Car,
---[21]. The Intention for Cleaning the Mosque,
---[22]. The Intention for Staying at Home,
---[23]. The Intention for Shaking Hands,
---[24]. The Intention for Visiting Close Relatives,
---[25]. The Intention for Entering the Library,
---[26]. The Intention for Giving Sadaqa [Charity],
---[27]. The Intention for Selling Books,
---[28]. The Intention for Obtaining a Sibha [Prayer Beads],
---[29]. The Intention for Obtaining a Robe; 'Rida,
---[30]. The Intention for Obtaining a Watch,
---[31]. The Intention for Going on Holidays and Outings,
---[32]. The Intention for the Adhan [The Call to Prayer],
-------The Supplication upon Hearing the Adhan,
---[33]. The Intention for Drinking Juice,
---[34]. The Intention for Using the Siwak,
---[35]. The Intention of (Doing Observance) in a Loud Voice if Ostentation is not Feared,
---[36]. The Intention for Praying in the Last Row (Saff),
---[37]. The Intention for Going to the Swimming Pool,
---[38]. The Intention for Attending Lessons,
---[39]. The Intention for Counselling the Brethren,
---[40]. The Intention for Recording the Issues [of Knowledge; 'Ilm],
---[41]. The Intention for Wudu [Ablution],
-------Some of the Supplications Related to the Ablution,
---[42]. The Intention for Putting On New Clothes,
---[43]. The Intention for Entering the Market,
---[44]. The Intention for Entering the Restroom/Bathroom,
---[45]. The Intention for Eating,
---[46]. The Intention for Drinking Coffee and Tea,
---[47]. The Intention for Trade,
---[48]. The Intention for Fulfilling the Needs of the People,
---[49]. The Intention for Buying Animals,
---[50]. The Intentions for Buying a Vehicle or the Like,
---[51]. The Intention for Visiting the Sick,
---[52]. The Intention for Attending a Hawl,
---[53]. The Intention for Entering a Clinic,
---[54]. The Intention of Journeying,
-------The Supplication of Travelling,
---[55]. The Intention for Visiting Prophet Hud, alayhi salam.
-------The Intention of Using the Internet.
*Dimensions : 21.5 x 14 cm.