Wonders of Fish : Interesting Questions & Answers, New,
*[A6] Paperback Booklet - 56 pages,
by Mawlana Ilyas Attar al-Qadiri,
Published by Dawat e Islami.
Description :
First English translation of the popular urdu book written by Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas Attar al-Qadiri al-Razavi [Founder of Dawat e Islami].
Contains a wealth of information, facts and useful advice as well as Questions and Answers from a Shari'i perspective, Halal and Haram, and so much more.
Table of Contents :
---Du'a for reading the book,
---Transliteration Chart.
Wonders of Fish :
---Excellence of Salat-'Alan-Nabi, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
---A few unique species of fish,
---Ra’ādaĥ (Electric Catfish),
---A fish with the Islamic creed (Kalimaĥ) written on it,
---Longest living fish,
---Living Island!
---Whale fish,
---Fish with wings,
---Kawsaj (sawfish),
---Only oblivious fish are caught,
---Madanī child and the oblivious fish,
---Question regarding eating this type of oblivious fish?
---Which of the aquatic animals is Halāl (permissible) for food?
---Definition of a fish!
---Every aquatic animal is Harām, excluding the fish,
---Thousands of fish species,
---Innumerable wonders of the oceanic world,
---Research into two fishes done by A’lā Hadrat, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---Quotations about Jirrīš fish
---A notable difference between the male and female fish,
---Question regarding eating fish which has no gills?
---Other ways of Halāl fish,
---Question regarding the fish dropped from a bird’s beak,
---Question regarding the fish which comes from the stomach of a big fish?
---Regarding Fish eggs,
---Question regarding killing fish by pouring chemicals into the water?
---Question regarding eating fish which has been caught using chemicals,
---Question regarding killing fish with explosives?
---What if harmless animals are caught in the fishing net?
---Are fish bones edible?
---How about eating fish skin?
---A fish recipe,
---The Beloved Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, ate fish,
---A huge fish,
---An Answer to a Question,
---What is meant by ‘irresistible religious impulse?’
---A cardiac patient made a recovery,
---How about eating fish thrown onto the shore by the sea?
---Regarding the earth on the back of a fish?
---What was created first, the Nūr-e-Mustafa (Light of the Prophet) or the Qalam (the Pen)?
---Explanation about Qalam (the Pen),
---The first meal of Jannaĥ (Paradise),
---Fish cannot talk – the wisdom behind it!
---Health benefits of fish,
------Which fish is healthier?
------Is eating fish never injurious to health?
------Having fish twice a week is recommended,
------Benefits of fish oil,
------Health benefits of eating fish's head,
------Recipe of making fish-head soup,
------Fish head soup is useful for many diseases,
------Fish and the power of retentive memory,
------Is crab Halāl or Harām?
------How about eating prawns?
------A’lā 'Hadrat, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, never consumed prawns,
------Prawns elevate cholesterol levels,
------Eating prawns without proper cleaning,
------Eating small fish without gutting,
------The philosophy behind not slaughtering fish,
------Does fish blood cause purity or impurity?
------Each part of the fish is pure,
------Question regarding eating dried fish?
------Question regarding eating stale fish?
------Identification of fresh and stale fish,
------Catching fish for recreation,
------How is it to eat the catch which is caught for fun?
------Terrible scenes of hunting fish,
------Do mermaids exist?
* Dimensions : 17.4 x 12cm.