Welcome to Islam :
A Brief Explanation of Islam -
*[A5] Paperback - 100 pages,
*Presented by Majlis al-Madina tul 'Ilmiyyah,
Published in Pakistan.
Back in Stock December 2020
Description :
Dawat e Islami offers this fundamental book in introducing Islam, especially dedicated to revert Muslims. This book is equally beneficial for non-Muslims who are interested in learning more about Islam.
This is an excellent book, concise, neatly laid out and presented in colour. One to give to your non-Muslim neighbour, work colleague or anyone who is inquisitive.
Table of Contents :
Du'a for reading the Book,
---A Brief Introduction to
Dawat e Islami,
---About al-Madina tul Ilmiyyah.
Welcome to Islam :
1]. Faith in Almighty Allah,
2]. Faith in Prophethood,
---------The Prophets,
upon them be peace, were all men,
---------The prominent Prophet's,
upon them be peace, of Almighty Allah,
---------How many Prophets' were there?
3]. Faith in Angels,
4]. Faith in the Books of Almighty Allah,
5]. The Glorious Qur'an: The Last Testimony of Almighty Allah,
6]. Death and the Grave,
---------What happens to the deceased after burial?
7]. Doomsday (The Minor Signs),
---------Disappearance of Knowledge,
---------Sexual Depravity,
---------False Prophets,
---------Abundance of Wealth,
---------Time will pass quickly.
8]. Some Major Signs of the Hour,
---------The emergence of Imam al-Mahdi,
peace be upon him,
---------The emergence of
---------The emergence of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog),
---------The Appearance of the Beast (
Dabbat al-Ard),
---------The Sun Rises from the West,
---------The Blowing of a Perfumed and Refreshing Wind,
---------The Blowing of the Trumpet to mark the beginning of the Day of Judgement.
9]. The Requirements of Islam,
---------The Declaration of Faith (The
---------The Obligatory Prayer (The
---------The Obligatory Annual Tax for the Poor (The
---------The Obligatory Annual Fast during the month of Ramadan (The
---------The Obligatory Pilgrimage once during lifetime (The
10]. Prophet Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah,
may Allah bless him & grant him peace,
----------Who is Muhammad,
salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam ?
Questions & Answers : Regarding the Religion of Islam,
----Who is Allah?
----------Do Muslims worship a different God?
----The Qur'an,
peace be upon him, (Hadrat Isa) is the Messenger of Allah,
-----------What does the Qur'an say about Jesus?
----Islam, Science and Health matters,
-----------Why is the consumption of alcohol prohibited in Islam?
----Women in Islam,
-----------Why do Muslim Women wear the Veil?
----Islam and Terrorism,
-----------Are Muslims terrorists?
-----------Is Islam a militant Religion?
-----------The Facts speak for themselves,
----Universality of the Message of Islam,
-----------Is it true that Islam is only the religion for Arabs?
-----------Why should a person follow Islam?
----A concluding remark.
*Dimensions: 20.6 x 13.5cm.
*Off-mint condition. Sub-continent print.