In the Mystic Footseps of Saints : Volume 2,
*[A5] Paperback - 100 pages,
by Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani.
Published by Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Order,
Michigan, USA.
Description :
Shaykh Nazim Haqqani has the unique gift of expressing volumes of
advanced knowledge in the form of a short speech ("
sohbet"). This
outstanding work consists of these powerful "sohbets" that can be read
separately, or in one session.
Excerpt (1) : "Does anyone think that the ocean is only what appears on its
surface? By observing its hue and motion the keen eye may perceive
indications of that ocean's unfathomable depth. The Lord's mercy and
compassion are an ocean with no shore, providing endlessly varied vistas
for those who sail its surface; but the greatest wonderment and
fulfillment is reserved for those "creatures of the sea" for whom that
mercy has become their own medium. The Lord beckons us through a divine
love and attraction that has been implanted in our hearts, a love that
may be understood and felt consciously as divine by some, and only
indirectly as love for His creatures or creation by others. In either
case the pull of our heartstrings draws us to those Mercy Oceans, just
as our physical bodies feel drawn to a warm and gentle sea.''
Extract (2) : Abu Yazid al-Bustami,
may Allah be pleased with him, said : ''
Sunnah is the abandonment of worldliness and
fard is the abandonment of all but He alone. So many people claim to follow the
Sunnah but their hearts are awash in love with worldy pomp. ''
Table of Contents :
---Unity beyond Duality,
---The Cavemen,
---Essential Practices for Beginners,
---Fitting Spiritual Realities into Block Heads,
---The “Personality” of Allah,
---Unity and Duality,
---Inspirations vs. Delusions,
---A Mass Meeting One Hundred Years from Now,
---Depression and Sleep,
---Advice on Childrearing,
---Purity of Heart: To Forgive, Forget, and Be Immune to,
---The Water of Life,
---Seek to Make Things Easy for People, Not Hard,
---Digest Your Anger,
---Everything is Known by its Opposite,
---A Person’s Value,
---The Power of Love,
---Don’t Worry!
---The Love Oceans of Our Lord,
---Of Mice and Men,
---Familiarity Breeds Enlightenment.
Also see :
In the Mystic Footseps of Saints : Volume 1.
*Dimensions : 20.3 x 12.7cm.