Symphony of Remembrance

 Symphony of Remembrance : New,
*[A5+] Glossy Paperback - 185 pages,
by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani,
Published by I.S.C.A
'Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Advancement.'

Description :

This book presents the spiritual background behind the practice of Divine Remembrance, as it initiates the reader into the teachings of the ancient yet living tradition of mystical Islam - the Sufi Way of the Naqshbandi masters of Central Asia.

Aimed at those unfamiliar with the terminology of this Path, this book presents the healing power of God's remembrance as a central pillar in the science of spiritual wayfaring and ascent. The path of self-realisation asserts that knowledge of the soul is the most essential realm of understanding : "the foundations of psychotherapy in truth should rest upon an understanding of the interrelatedness of the soul, its Source, and the world it inhabits."

By means of gnostic interpretations of Qur'anic scripture, the life stories of divine Messengers and their inheritors the Saints, the author offers perceptive psychological insights into the journey from patterns of anger, depression and attachment by means of exercises of Divine Remembrance and meditation, by which the six powers latent in every human heart are unveiled, strengthened and concentrated.

Filled with counsel and guidance, this work invites those within and outside of the Sufi tradition to step up their spiritual 'game.' Through Remembrance of the Divine, higher levels of attainment can be achieved and maintained, and the connection to the seeker's true inner self can be established and expanded, providing the practitioner with a lifeline to the Divine Presence.

Table of Contents :

---Editor's Notes,
---About the Author.

------The whole universe is an orchestra of divine glorification,
---Numerology of 'Ya' and 'Sin,'
------First and Last,
------The First Creation,
------Future Knowledge,
------The Honoured Man,
---Watch after your Trust,
---The Preciousness of the Prophet's Blood, ﷺ,
------A Touch of Paradise,
------The Gift of Forgiveness,
------Holy Blood,
---Wars of the Last Days,
---Getting good grades for Your Afterlife,
---The Symphony of Remembrance in the era of Shah Naqshband,
------Three Weekly Gatherings of Remembrance,
---Stop laughing, begin to cry,
------Teach Islam to Your Children,
------Remember Death,
------Who is a Martyr?
---Guide your flock to the Right Way,
---Raise your children in innocence,
------A Secluded Life,
---Where is Moses?
---Young people raised in Islam,
------'No-One' is Here,
------'O Allah, Open Your Door!
------Be Nothing,
---Seven dates,
---The Importance of Marriage,
------Marry Immediately,
------Acceptance and Dowry in Islam,
--------The example of Sayyadina Ali & Sayyida Fatima,
------My Advice in Your Marriage,
---Are you building an Ark like Noah,
---Muslims of the West are the examples for the Muslims of the East,
---Heavenly technology : Source of earthly technology,
------Heavenly Receivers,
------Seeing with God's Light,
---Do not delay marriage and make it difficult!
------The Basis for Tranquility,
------Flowing Provisions.


More on Tasawwuf, (Sufism),
Also see Sufi Meditation,
Also see Naqshandiyya.

*Dimensions : 23 x 15.2cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.335 kgs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Sh. Hisham Kabbani

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