The Mekkan Treasure [2] : English/Arabic

The Sound Certificates
for the 'Ulama of Makkah & Madinah, [2]

Al-Ijazat al-Mateenah
li Ulama’i makkata wa al-Madinah
, English & Arabic,,
[A5+} Hardback - 332 pages, Bi-lingual,
by Shaykh al-Islam Imam Ahmad Rida Khan, AbdUL Hadi Qadiri.
Published by 'Sufi Pages,

[This Book is the follow up to the Mekkan Treasure [Book 1] Ad-Dawlat al-Makkiya!]

Description :

Introduction: This is the 2nd of the four documents penned in Makkah al-Mukarramah by that 'Alim of Din in whose presence scholars flocked from lands far and wide. He is the leader of the people of knowledge and a fountain of spiritual effluence. The illustrious 'Ulama of the Holy Sanctuaries [Harimayn Sharifayn] sang his praises and ratified that he is the Master of the Ulama; the matchless leader, the Reviver [Mujaddid] of the 14th Century, I mean Hadrat Shaykh Mawlana Muhammad Ahmad Rida Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan.

The book was named by the great Mujaddid, rahimullah, in the format of 'Ilm at-Tarikh,
- The Sound Certificates for the 'Ulama of Makkah & Madinah.

The contents of this book include all those Certificates that the Mujaddid issued in Makkah al-Mukarramah and Madinah al-Munawwarah [may Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, increase the excellence and honour of both holy Sanctuaries] in a period when the illustrious 'Ulama there requested from him Certificates of Hadith and permission for new and ancient Chains of Transmission.---Mawlana al-Haj Muhammad Anwar al-Islam Radawi, Proprietor of Maktabah Hamidiyyah.


On AlaHadrat Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan's, may Allah be pleased with him, second travel for haj and ziyarah in 1323h (1905), Imam Ahmad Rida’s knowledge shone over the horizon of al-Hijaz and his great work ‘al-Dawlah al-Makkiyah bi al-Madah al-Ghaybiyyah’, which he wrote in response to the wahhabi rejection of the Prophet’s 'Knowledge of the Unseen' during his travel in approximately nine hours, acclaimed great praise and commendation. Imam Ahmad wrote this book without the direct study of any books which was then recited in his absence in a gathering of three hundred scholars, in two sittings.

Thereafter, great scholars of hadith from Makkah and Madinah took ijazahs from him in hadith which are recorded in two of his great works,

    ---Al-Ijazat al-Mateenah li ulama’i Makkata wa al-Madinah [1324H]
    ---Al-Ijazat al-Ridhwiyyah al-Mubajjil Makkata al-Bahiyyah [1323H]

The total number of ijazahs he issued were seven to the following scholars,

    ---Shaykh Ismail Makki,
    ---Shaykh 'Abd ur Rahman al-Duhan,
    ---Shaykh Abid Hussain,
    ---Shaykh 'Ali bin Hussain,
    ---Shaykh Jamal bin Muhammad al-Ameer,
    ---Shaykh 'Abd ullah Meerda,
    ---Shaykh 'Abd ullah Dahlan,
    ---Shaykh Bakr Rafee al-Makki,
    ---Shaykh Hussain al-Ajami,
    ---Shaykh Umar bin Hamdani al-Hamarasi,
    ---Shaykh Ahmad al-Khafrawi,
    ---Seyyid Muhammad Uthman Dahlan,
    ---Seyyid Muhammad al-Maghribi (And others).

Shaykh Yaseen Ahmad al-Khiyari, a renowned scholar of Madinah, referred to him as ‘Imam al-Muhadditheen’ the leader of hadith masters.

The Archive keeper of the Mekkan library, Shaykh Isma’il Makki called him ‘Shaykh al-Muhadditheen ala al-Itlaq’ the absolute shaykh of Hadith scholars.

Ali bin Hussain Maliki, a teacher of the Mekkan Haram, called him ‘the encyclopedia of all sciences’.

When asked about the mastery of Imam Ahmad in Hadith, ‘Hafiz al-Bukhari’ Shah Wasi Ahmad Surti (who was known as ‘the pillar of hadith masters’ in the subcontinent) said: ‘he is the commander of believers in Hadith of our era’. Upon hearing this Muhaddith al-A'zam-e-Hind, Sayyad Muhammad al-Ashrafi al-Khicchochawi remarked: ‘do you know what level of mastery this is!?’ To which Hafiz al-Bukhari replied, ‘the awilya distinguish awliya and the masters identify the masters’.

Above description, slightly edited from


Book Contents :

---Pronunciation Chart,

---Epistle of Mawlana 'Abdul Qadir Kurdi,
---Epistle no 1 of Mawlana Sayyid Isma'il Khalil,
---Epistle no 2 of Mawlana Sayyid Isma'il Khalil,
---Epistle Shaykh Sayyid Ma'mun Madani,
---The Copy of 1st Certificate for Mawlana 'Abdul Hayy Kattani,
---The Spiritual Tree of the Qadiriyyah Radawiyyah Spiritual Order,
---The Copy of the 2nd Certificate for Mawlana Swaleh Kamal and Mawlana Ismail Khalil,
---The Copy of the 3rd Certificate for Shaykh Ahmad Khud'rawi Makki,
---The Copy of the 4th Certificate for the general Mekkan 'Ulama,
---The Copy of the 5th Certificate for Mawlana 'Abdul Qadir Kurdi and his son Shaykh 'Abdullah Farid,
---The Copy of the 6th Certificate for Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad 'Umar al-Matuf,
---The Copy of the 7th Certificate for Shaykh al-Dalail Sayyid Muhammad Sa'id Madani,
---The Certificate of Sanad al-Awwaliyyah on the chain of Shaykh al-Muhaqqiq; Shah 'Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi,
---The Certificate of Musalsal bil-Awwaliyyah on the chain of Shah 'Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlawi,
---The 3rd and Excellent Certificate of Musalsal bil-Awwaliyyah,
---The Certificate of the Musafahah [handshake] of the Jinn,
---The Certificate of the Musafahah [handshake] of Sayyiduna Khidr, alayhi salam,
---The Certificate of the Mu'ammariyyah Musafahah [handshake],
---The Certificate of the Munamiyyah Musafahah [dream handshake],
---Original Scanned Certificates.

---Marginal Notes 1,
---Technical Terms and Classification of Hadith,,
---Marginal Notes 2,
---Names of Eulogists of ad-Dawlat al-Makkiyah,
---Brief Biography of the Eulogists of ad-Dawlat al-Makkiyah.


More related/AlaHazrat works.


Excellent Quality Binding and Print by usual sub-continental standards. 

This book is the follow up to ...
NEW : Mekkan Treasure Book 1 - Al-Dawlat al-Makkiya - now also available in English.




  • Shipping Weight: 0.825 kgs
  • 6 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Imam Ahmad Rida Khan

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