The Secret in the Love for God - New,
[A5] Paperback - 191 pages,
by Shaykh Osman Nuri,
Copy Editor : Gibril Fouad al-Haddad,
English Translation by : Selam Cul,
Published by Erkam Publishing, Turkey.
Back in Stock August 2024,
Description :
Extract from the Preface :
Praise be to Allah the Exalted who has blessed us, His powerless servants, with the joy and peace of true faith. Blessings and Peace be upon the Endless Pride of the universe, Prophet Muhammad, who has led humanity from darkness to boundless light. Allah Almighty has bestowed upon existence a unique secret : He has created it out of love. Because of this, there is decline wherever love does not exist and there are manifestations of perfection wherever it exists. As Rumi’s Mathnawi explains it:
''Allah whispered a secret into the ear of a cloud, and tears
of water poured down from its eyes like a bucket. He
whispered a secret into the ear of a rose and beautified it
with colours and fragrance. He whispered a secret to a
stone and turned it into shimmering carnelian in the mine.
He bestowed a secret to a human being and exalted the
ones who protected it to eternity.''
That secret is the secret of love. That is why the only way for a humanbeing to reach Allah Almighty’s good pleasure and the intercession of the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, – and consequently gain salvation in this world and the hereafter – is a simple truth hidden inside the secret of love. Those who know this truth and are obedient to its precepts experience intense emotion and exhilaration in their hearts just like the crying tree stump which cried out of love for the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace. For living at such a level of love exalts a human being to a state of perfection and the zenith of creation. It leads to the straight path.
Table of Contents :
---About the author,
---[1]. The Secret in the Love of Allah,
---[2]. The Perfect Man,
---[3]. Standing Firm on the Path of Allah,
---[4]. Being with the righteous and the truthful,
---[5]. Sincerity towards Allah,
---[6]. Fear and Hope,
---[7]. Heedlessness,
---[8]. The beautification of death,
---[9]. Rizq (sustenance),
---[10]. Light and Darkness,
---[11]. Excellence (Ihsān) and Vigilance (Murāqabah),
---[12]. Mankind’s Reality,
---[13]. Selflessness (īthār),
---[14]. Islam Gives Life to Mankind
---[15]. The Significance of Manners in Tasawwuf,
---[16]. Love (mahabbah).
---[17]. Interview with Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbaş on tasawwuf.
Dimensions : 21 x 15cm.