Qasa'id of Tariqa Sada Ba 'Alawi -
Arabic with English translation,
[A5] Glossy Paperback - 144 pages,
Translated by Rizwana Sayed.
*Sakina Press, UK.
Back in Stock November 2019,
Description :
Amongst the significant traditions of the
Sada Ba 'Alawi is the recitation of mystical poetry. Many of the elite masters have a composition or collection of poetry inciting the remembrance of Allah. Imam al-Haddad,
may Allah be pleased with him, was asked, 'What is your opinion regarding the people of Yemen who gather to recite poetry, is this considered to be
dhikr (remembrance) of Allah? He,
may Allah grant us benefit through him, said
: '' If the recitation of poetry encourages towards good works, discourages sin,
creates a yearning for the states of the devout people, removes frivolity,
encourages etiquette and striving to cleanse the heart, so that the Truth (Allah)
is witnessed at every moment; as the Messenger of Allah,
may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, said, 'Excellence is to worship Allah as though
you see Him, and if you do not see Him, know that He sees you.' In that case
every recitation and listening of such poetry is a Sunna.
''A comprehensive collection of
qasa'id recited in the
Ba Alawi Tariqa, in easy to read Arabic text and English translation. Includes famous
qasa'id of Imam Al-Haddad, Imam Ali al-Habshi & Habib Ahmad bin Abu Bakr bin Sumayt,
may Allah be pleased with them.
Table of Contents :
Qasaid included in this book :
1]. Fa Ya Nafahatullahi,
2]. Ya Rabbi Ya Alim ul-Haal,
3]. Qad kafani ilmu Rabbi,
4]. Bashir Fu'adaka,
5]. Ya Rasul Allah Ya Ahl al-Wafa,
6]. Ya jirat al-Alami,
7]. Ya Rahmat Allahi Zuri,
8]. Ala Ya Allah bi Nazara,
9]. Wasiyya,
10]. Takhmis,
11]. Nad uka la nad uka siwaka,
12]. Qasida of Imam Ali al-Habshi,
13]. Rabbi inni ya dha's-sifat il-aliyya,
14]. Qad tammam Allah maqasidina.
*Excellent quality print.
*Dimensions : 21 x 15cm.