Premium Ihram Pack with Adjustable Belt :
Luxury 2 piece Tubular Ihram,
**Made by All Things Halal, UK.
Description :
Luxurious quality 2 piece towelling Ihram set; specially designed in a unique tubular jacquard print style. Beautifully crafted in 77% combed cotton with highly absorbent properties for sweat & skin irritation and with 22% Polyamide for a super soft comfort to keep a cool feeling in mind! No need to wrap, very easy to wear.
*** Premium Lightweight & Soft Towel Ihram,
*** Superior Unsown Cloth in brilliant white finish,
*** Suitable for both hot days & cold nights,
*** Unique TUBULAR design for easy wearing,
*** Strong; To Last Through Tough Conditions,
*** Flexible, To Be Comfortable Whilst Praying,
*** Absorbent; To Help Avoid Skin Irritations & Sweating.
This pack also includes a unique adjustable belt, removable pouch for valuables, unique re-sealable carry bag & unique large safety pin.
**Certified, Approved and Endorsed by Ahl as-Sunnah w'al-Jama'ah scholars from Al-Azhar, Egypt, United Kingdom and the Sub-continent.